I don’t think Biden is making any decisions. Whoever is running the country for the last 2-3 years is. The Biden we see now is a vegetable. Most of us saw the onset of dementia when he was elected.
Ease up. You have complaints. But not sure you understand the past and how government works. If you’re an honest person you know the border wall sale is a thing people have latched on to to scream. I like to think you’re not like them. Also, oddly enough, the Rep House wouldn’t approve the jude act until Trump won the election. Be honest and say they don’t approve that if Harris wins. Be a honest [quote=“Ben_Natuf, post:1, topic:248380, full:true”]
The border wall thing is one of the better examples. The law required that the administration come up with a plan to use or discard it. The best plan to use it is…
Leave it for Trump, it’ll get used.
what they chose is
sell it as scrap
give it away
anything as long as Trump can’t use it
Congress not approving the Judge act was politics as usual. That’s how its played. It was a fair bill in the end and got 100% support in the Senate… 100%. again 100%. It was the most bipartisan bill in either house in as long as anyone can remember. Of the 66 judgeships it created, Trump would have appointed 22 with the other 44 being appointed by the next President(s). Biden vetoed it so Trump can’t appoint new judges, at the same time that Judges(D) unretire (first time in history) so Trump can’t replace them. Hey, I got nothing against approving as many as you can right up until the last hour of the last day. Doing things to prevent the next President from doing so is just ■■■■■■■ lowlife childish temper tantrum
I have been and still am a big supporter of making sure Russia does not win a war of conquest in Europe. Weakening Russia’s geopolitical influence is a good thing.
To that end supplying Ukraine with weapons and ammo is a good investment. Aiding the SDF in Syria is a good investment. I do tend to disagree with Trump’s inclinations regarding Russia and hope he sees the benefits. That said, turning USAID from weapons and ammo into cash just so Trump doesn’t end up being responsible for disbursing the aid Congress approved… bad idea. Very bad idea. Loan them the money and let them shop DoD (in that event, they never see the money)… do NOT give them cash. Not unless you got a whole lot of continuing oversight on it, which they do not. They are basically shoveling 6B out the door just to get it done before Trump becomes President.
Childish? This is not childish. This is sugar-coating something, and calling it something it is not, out of lack of GUTTS.
Childish is a 7 y old throwing a ball into your window.
This is evil and there is only one way to deal with it.
THEN it never happens again.
But cowards chose “the high road” and walk around with a bloody nose all the time.
Also…this is not Biden’s doing.
His inner circle and his family are racking in anything they can grab.
I can just imagine all the deals and money delivering taking place in the WH.
I am sure all the back-door deals are being made, you can hear the money changing hands.
Biden is senile, he probably thinks they’re sneaking around him preparing him a surprise retirement party.
A simple google search turns up a plethora of articles saying he did.
And this discussion has nothing to do with political ideology. It is simply about childish behavior from outgoing Presidents.
We can agree that the Biden administration is engaging in childish behavior. But I find it fascinating that those of us on the right would claim with a straight face that no prior Republican president has ever done such a thing.