Migrant Children being Abused


And then there will be the rapes.

I have always wondered why serving a prison sentence is “at Her Majesty’s pleasure.” What an odd description.

I haven’t wanted to think about that, but God forbid if it has. That would certainly ruin any chances of a Republican majority in Congress in the fall, I would hope.

Prove it is. You take any accusation against this administration as fact no questions asked.

Blind partisanship.

I remember the juvenile jails here being famous for putting saltpeter in the food and it wasn’t even that bad as juvies go.

Yeah I don’t know the origins of that one, we sometimes use it when referring to public servants as well as in “serving at her majesties pleasure”.

Makes more sense there at least.

And there it is. A confession to what the whole point of the whole rubarb at the border is for dems.

Thanks for being honest.

Investigations will take care of that. Will you believe the results?

Anyone else find it odd that the Pizzagate wing of the party are fine with this?

Anyplace where the very young or very old are in the care of the cheapest caregivers that can be found, it’s going to be bad.

A lot of these centres holding the kids (primarily in Texas?) are non-profits, the quality could vary quite a bit and many/all of them are already over-capacity.

Class action lawsuit is the proof. And as for blind partisanship, you were ranting against this as soon as the thread was posted. Funny you would accuse others of that.


Ambulance chasers file class action suits all the time. Do you automatically believe them? :rofl:

Odd yes, surprising no. For a lot of Republicans it never been about the welfare of the children involved. They’ve simply dropped the facade

Screws-corrections officers-are oftentimes but not always the guys who couldn’t get hired on a police department. Given the lax standards today that’s quite a feat and they tend to have something to prove.

Did you read the suit? Do you care at all about what’s stated in there?

If you think about the circumstances of their ordeal before they even get to the border, looking at infant mortality rates and the US is pretty far down the list for developed countries, nobody knows what if any care they’re getting, food, fluids, even simple, common afflictions like croup can be very dangerous.

Then put them in facilities that aren’t really fit for humans…I think it would be a miracle if some aren’t dead already.

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Thanks for your unintended confession earlier as to what it is really all about.

Have a great day. :+1::sunglasses:

Fail. The only way that could be construed as a confession is if libs were sneaking in to kill people so as to win the election.

Well that is totally illogical.

That’s how I see your claim of a “confession”