MIDTERM MAYHEM: More ‘Irregularities Surface’ in Florida Recount

Originally published at: MIDTERM MAYHEM: More ‘Irregularities Surface’ in Florida Recount | Sean Hannity

More “irregularities” surfaced Tuesday in Florida’s ongoing recount for last week’s highly-contested midterm election, with new reports revealing hurricane-displaced voters were permitted to vote via email -a clear violation of state law.

According to the Associated Press, “Florida’s election recount chugged along Tuesday as more irregularities are uncovered” for the Sunshine State’s Senate and gubernatorial races.

“One county revealed it had allowed some hurricane-displaced voters to cast their ballots by email — a violation of state law. Another had to restart its recount after getting about a quarter finished because someone forgot to push a button,” added the AP.

A White House spokesperson slammed Florida’s handling of the recount; calling the events “incredibly frustrating” and saying, “We’re confident Rick Scott will be the next senator of Florida.”

Read the full story here.