Michigan House Passes Bill to Make Hurting Someone’s Feewings a Hate Crime

Yup! Here we go with more trans police state dictatorship garbage. The thought police out in force to take away free speech.


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I can’t wait to see this absolute stupidity get tried in a court of law. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


These people are serious…these are the most insane times I ever lived through…

Years in prison and $10,000 fine? Pffffffffffffffffft!

I will disobey this law. I will NOT comply.

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I think this has something to do with the OP.

Ideas so good, you have to force them on women and children against their will. :wink:


It’s not as it seems. They did.

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I really don’t think this will survive a 1A challenge.

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Surprising Michigan would pass something like that they are no means a deep blue state.

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They’re bicameral. The senate still needs to vote, and the governor needs to sign it. Given the attention it is getting, the bill might die at either of those stops

What is it with lib?


I never thought I’d see the day we would be pandering to the mentally ill.


True, on top of it, fines for the sane of $10,000 and many years prison time…


“We’re talking about intimidating, threatening violence,” Filler said. “This is not the sardonic teller at the bank.”

The bill’s definition of intimidation goes on to specify that it “does not include constitutionally protected activity or conduct that serves a legitimate purpose.”

In other words, there would still be a First Amendment right to use the wrong pronoun for a transgender individual, said Eli Savit, Washtenaw County’s Democratic prosecutor.

“If somebody says, ‘I do not believe you are a man, I believe you are a woman’ and misgenders someone, even intentionally, that is not a crime," Savit said. "That is First Amendment protected speech. … I don’t believe it’s a kind thing to say. But it’s not a crime.”

It only becomes a hate crime when a “reasonable” person feels repeatedly frightened and threatened by an individual’s words or acts.

“People can say whatever they want, that ‘I feel frightened because somebody misgendered me,’” Savit said. “But that’s not going to cut it for purposes of this bill.”

The harassment would have to be repeated and continuing for it to be deemed a hate crime. The definition of intimidation in the bill “is almost the exact language that’s already in place in Michigan’s stalking law,” Savit said.

“The notion that somebody can just be misgendered one time, misgendered accidently, or even intentionally, and that’s going to lead to criminal charges is simply wrong,” Savit said. “It’s not supported by the text of the bill.”

The criminality line for a hate crime, Savit said, would be crossed if someone tells a transgender woman “I don’t believe you’re a woman, I know where you live and my gun is lock and loaded.”

“That absolutely could be a hate crime,” Savit said. "That’s legitimate intimidation. But just simply saying I’m not calling you by the pronoun that you identify as, that in no way can be criminalized consistent with the First Amendment."

Please, continue foaming the mouth.

when will they open the department of elementary school aged felons?

Who decides?


Yeah…but we all know how a leftist prosecutor will abuse and redefine this.

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You don’t get to define a felony by how the victim “feels”
(Not sure why this became a reply to Caesar but :man_shrugging:)

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Now they are just getting silly. But as a politician you have to pass laws to pretend you do something. Even if all the needed laws are written.

Get them all some pacifiers.

Especially the House members.

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