The article is behind a paywall, but the gist of it is quite simple. Republicans could very well carry Miami-Dade County this year.
Republicans last carried Miami-Dade in a Presidential Election in 1988. The last time it was particularly close was 1992. Biden carried Miami-Dade by 53.31% to 45.98%
Jeb Bush narrowly carried Miami-Dade County in the Governor’s race of 2002, but it has since voted Democrat.
At this point, it is undisputed that Republicans will sweep Florida at the State level this year.
But if they carry Miami-Dade, it will go a long way towards cementing Florida as a red State.
I will definitely follow the numbers on election night.
That’s because a few states that used to be solid red (GA, AZ) are no longer so. VA, in particular, went from safe red to safe blue, seemingly overnight.