Originally published at: MERKEL’S MESS: German Government FACING COLLAPSE over Immigration Crisis | Sean Hannity
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s fragile government coalition could face a total “collapse” this week, with both sides struggling to reach a consensus over the escalating immigration crisis sweeping the country.
According to Yahoo News, Merkel’s coalition risked “breaking apart” Monday as leaders from multiple political parties huddled to reach a last-minute agreement regarding the Chancellor’s “open doors” policy.
“[German Interior Minister] Horst Seehofer insisted on his plan to turn away asylum seekers at the border with Austria registered in other European countries, as he rejected EU deals reached last week by Merkel as inadequate,” writes Yahoo.
The German government’s fragile coalition was strained throughout 2018 following a series of scandals surrounding the country’s immigration policies.
Since 2015 over one million refugees have entered the continent; many settling down in Germany and Austria.