Melania Trump To Solo Vacation On Taxpayers Dime!

Again after Trumps second term come talk to me! He will have spent half of that on personal perks!

Frothy froth; froth.

That’s 405 for those who are counting. is hot garbage? i didnt know that! Go listen to Brennan and some 4chin stuff!

You whined about wasting lavish amounts of taxpayer money. Are you now changing your mind about that?

Please cite your source showing how much each first lady cost us as of August 21st in their husbands’ second year as president.


You didn’t cite factcheck in the post to which I was responding. You cited “nowtheendbegins.”

I said its ok to whine about first ladies spending tax dollars lavishly, but I said we should put things in context! Say each aid was 100K and Michelle had 22. That would mean 2.2 Million was spent on Michelle on aids alone ! Melania would have spent 500K! The math does not add up for you my friend. Excuses are not admissible in this argument. And denying she had 22 aids which is publicly known , shows a lack of intellectual honesty.

We contacted Katie McCormick Lelyveld, Michelle Obama’s press secretary, to check the list’s accuracy. Lelyveld told us in an e-mail that the first lady’s current staff size is actually 24, not 22, as the chain e-mail claims. Lelyveld couldn’t provide a list of the staffers at that time.

Even Liberal 4chin is saying she had 24 employees.

More Aids than any other First Lady! HAHA even liberal 4chin is setting you straight.

I have a hard time going negative on the FLOTUS. She’s the only shred of class the White House currently possesses.

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LOl How can they quantify that ? Considering Trump owns Mar Largo and can buy everything at cost! Seems like a bunch of Jibberish! Just like claiming Reagan and Bush spent too much by vacationing to a house they already owned! What pure Garbage! LOL

Trump buys everything at cost. The government lays the markup.

Guess who keeps 100% of the difference? DJT.

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Yep and can anyone blame her for wanting to get Trump and the racists and know nothings he listens to.

Yes, context-like comparing equivalent time frames, which is literally the only legitimate way to compare.

And I’m not even complaining about Melania vacationing. And I also didn’t complain about Michelle or Laura doing so.



I never stated anything to the contrary.

But the context you’re leaving out is that:

A) Melania still used A LOT of taxpayer money-but rather than spending it paying others and creating jobs, it was spent to secure the first lady and president separately for a long period-unnecessarily.

B) Michelle was actually doing things regarding her platform at this point in her time as first lady. She didn’t live separately, putting that taxpayer money to literally any public use. Michelle got out and started trying to pump kids up. Whether or not you agree with how it was spent, it was put to public use trying to make kids healthier. It wasn’t selfish.

The number is irrelevant. Prove she took every single trip with all 22.

Giuliani would be proud. “Truth isn’t truth.” You’re free to deny facts, but that doesn’t change that they’re the actual truth.

They spent too much because:

-they vacationed frequently
-it costs to house huge presidential entourages (because they can’t all stay at your lavish compound, errr, ranch)
-it costs a lot to travel, using AF-1 as your personal taxi and having to transport your giant entourage every time to go “home.”

Again, truth IS truth, whether or not you choose to believe it.

Can you imagine what they’d say if Michelle O. had nudie girl-on-girl pics out there? Melania sure is classy.

I think a lot of people would lose their lunch if they saw Michelle O nude.

Lolol man people must have memory loss from the Obama years