Meet Con Artist Andrew Yang

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See Andrew’s Story

Con artist Yang tells us how new technologies have “destroyed more than 4 million US jobs”. Con artist Yang is counting on the American people being too stupid to know that millions of new jobs are actually created when new technologies are introduced.

Con artists Yang also wants to use the force of government taxation to implement what he calls the “Freedom Dividend”, a universal basic income (UBI) for every American adult over the age of 18: “$1,000 a month, no strings attached.” [NOTE; America’s population above 18 is approximately 209 million.].

Con artist Yang proposes a new tax on those evil companies “benefiting most from automation”, to finance his UBI. But this is nothing more than a calculated gimmick ___ the old and tired attack on the wealthy ___ a rope-a-dope scheme which blatantly promises to abuse the power of federal taxation, using it to buy votes at $1,000 a month for each vote, or about $ 2.5 TRILLION a year rise in federal taxation to buy his votes, which would dwarf the annual federal pay out for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

And this Con Artist is still in the race and qualifies to be in the next debate? Could con artist Yang be right, and that a majority of the American people are actually as stupid as Yang believes they are?


I don’t know if it is a majority or not but they elected Obama twice. Nuff said i guess.

And our Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists were largely responsible for Obama’s election. Had the average voter been informed of the nefarious thinking of those who groomed Obama and were behind his election, I doubt he would have gathered any meaningful support from the general public.


Without a Fifth Column Media, Yellow Journalism, Hollywood, and a corrupted FBI, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, would be making license tags in a federal penitentiary

Those are excellent points.