Medicare, Social Security Face Shaky Fiscal Futures, Report Shows

It’s all playing out just as Grover envisioned. Taking the country back to the model that worked so well before the Great Depression.

Hey, voters, your grand kids are gonna hate you and have to fix so many problems and clean up so many (physical and financial) messes you left them.

But don’t worry. You’ll probably keep your own Medicare/SS. That’s important, right?

When these programs began, most of our citizens were pigs that built their houses of bricks and these were excellent programs with great futures. Now…many of “we” have evolved into pigs that build their houses of straw and the rest can’t afford to keep rebuilding their houses after the big, bad wolf of life blows them down.


We certainly can afford to preserve Medicare and Social Security.

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Screw social programs increase military spending

I love story time

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How about a positive solution instead of finding a boogie man. What’s Nancy proposing?

Tell those Baby Boomers to get back to work!!!

Blue dogs used to be for a strong defense…

Not at the expense of the american people

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Who else is paying besides the American people for the SS and medicare. It the driver of the deficits not military spending. Did you ever look at the fed budget?

If you think social programs are the reasons we have a huge deficit then i have ocean from proprerty to sell you in iowa

It’s been predicted for decades SS and medicare would cause massive deficits as boomer retire. Cutting the military budget won’t fix that… It’s only 700 or 800 billion.


10 chuckles

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Don’t worry! Dear Leader Donald has a biggly fix that he’ll reveal in 2020.