Medicare for all would save 68k lives and 450B a year

As I said, for you even that would be a step up. Thanks for the confirmation.

If those that guesstimated this, actually had skin in the game that would cost themā€¦if they are wrongā€¦Iā€™d have a greater tendancy to believe this? The problem is, they donā€™t and when the deficit increases, nobody is held accountable for the mistake. This simple fact is true for so much of government.

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If we ever get there it will automatically become too big to fail.

When was the last time an entitlement program was actually cut?

Has there ever been an example of such?

Alsoā€¦when has the government EVER reduced the cost of something when they got involved?

its the #2 rated medical journal after the new england journal of medicineā€¦

the lead author of the article is director of Yale Universityā€™s Center for Infectious Disease Modeling and Analysis.

Compare medical costs in states that fully implemented ACA and those that did not and you will findā€¦ Obamacare actually saved money. But that would require assessing actual data so why bother.

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All Oā€™care has done is drive up costs for all of us. Even where premiums went down deductibles, copays, and total out of pocket spending before insurance even kicks in has skyrocketed.

Now most people who have insurance canā€™t even afford to make use of it.


I wonder how that hack of an author would respond to the detailed and nuanced refutations of her work in this thread.

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The data donā€™t support your whining. From the early days of the implementation of ACA we heard tales of disasters ā€“ almost all debunked. There is a reason public opinion has swung strongly in favor of ACA in recent years and the reason isnā€™t that people cannot afford insurance.

Health care costs do continue to go up, US health results are hardly commensurate with what we pay and the number of uninsured has gone up during the Trump Presidency. OK ā€“ whatā€™s your solution. No solution ā€“ ACA, Medicare for All ā€“ is perfect. Well its easy to sit and complain about potential solutions. Why not do the hard work and offer something?

Yale Universityā€™s Center for Infectious Disease Modeling and Analysis? Sounds like a bunch of over-educated liberal elitists. Expertise and education are so 20th century.


But Obamaā€™s death panels are real, right?

Youā€™re stating the libertarian Mercatus study. No, thatā€™s the total cost, not additional cost. You know how much the total cost of our current system is over that same time period? $52 trillion. Two trillion dollars more.


Clinton dramatically cut and changed Welfare benefits in 1996, with the help of Republicans.

someone with a world of expertise in a field vs person with google.

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I probably should have prefaced it that Iā€™m speaking of government entering the private sector. The government correcting their own errors wasnā€™t what I was singling out.

Literally every other developed nation has universal healthcare, significantly more government involvement and all pay drastically less per capita than we do.

I wonā€™t trust any figures on anything until I see it for at least a couple of years to see how things shake out and see how many and to what extent are the unintended consequences.

If only there were other examples we could look to for the outcome of universal systems going back decades, one even to the 19th century :man_shrugging:

Which were promptly undone by succeeding congressional budgets.

They also get far less for it.

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