Media response to "Let's go Brandon!"

Trump = prosperity

Dems = poverty

Let’s go Brandon…


His butt is wiped.

Do you really think it’s only 2020-republican-voters who are buying those tracks? How does the sand look down there?


I bet mostly, yes.

Others like me may listen once but I doubt many would spend money on it.

Well according to some here importing poverty from all over the world into the US will bring us prosperity!


“The stupid party” seems more fitting with each passing cycle. And I didn’t particularly like Jindal. It appears MAGA means a return to 1950’s style Republicanism. It’s amusing watching the party which claims the moral high ground feign outrage at De Niro and four years later fly flags with the F word on them. I guess they’re not Republican stereotypes when it’s true. I hope they continue, this era of the Republican party will make fun reading in history books some day. And by “fun” I mean eye rolls and disbelieving laughs.

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I agree. I am disappointed that republicans have adopted the manners of the left.

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Ran out of room on the high road. It was closed for repairs.


When there’s a vacuum or policy which cannot be overcome, Republican leaders fill it with opposition politics and fake outrage. The party members apparently can’t get enough. Even with the blatant double standards and hypocrisy.

Nothing new though. It’s been the M.O. since Bill Clinton. Fake outrage at Clinton’s infidelity followed by the actions of Gingrich, Livingston and Hasterst without a peep other than “you shouldn’t judge” B.S. That debacle, along with the Republican abandonment of fiscal responsibility marked my exit from the party. I know they don’t miss me and I couldn’t care less. It’s nice to be reminded my decision was correct.

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Brandon was the name of a flight attendant.


Is that their collective IQ?

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So…did you head off for the party now pushing 3,500,000,000,000 dollars in give aways?

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Lol, I have been hearing it all over the radios.


That would be indicative of the need to change the station.

Perhaps you should not comment on stuff you are stupid on. Aircraft do not have radio stations.


Resorting to personal insults is a prime indicator that the person resorting to that tactic has already lost the argument.

There was no argument. Just anouther stupid statement by you.

Another insult.