Meanwhile I would love to hear who those conspiracy are

My God man…get a a hold of yourself.


He posted that video before the 6th. P-anon.

Here’s another P-anon.

“Ripped out!”


You mean like proof of the election fraud?

No evidence of this happening. Never happened. Just like with the 2020 election.

Ah yes. The perpetual victim.

Facts remain Rep. Mikie Sherrill accused members of congress of committing sedation and other acts of treason without offering up any proof.

And since some here brought up Trump…how is she any different?

Going to be tough 4 years here. :sunglasses:

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There’s no evidence of lawmakers spying or doing “surveillence.” Quit spreading conspiracy theories.

Yup. Just like the claims about election fraud in regards to the 2020 election. It didn’t exist.

He saw it on a Gene Decode video…where you can also find out that Donald Trump has already signed the Insurrection Act authorization and is just waiting to spring his elaborate trap.



Come on. Stop it.

He and others truly believe this.

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These days I can’t tell who believes what they say and who’s just trying to get a reaction. But either way, that nonsense should stop.

And while they are arresting them they have managed to keep their mouths shut. It’s quite the machine

But there are two prison barges at Gitmo that can hold up to 12,000 traitors!

Meh don’t need it they were going to hang them…

The FBI report about the planning and the exchange of tunnel maps and plans to meet are all deep state fakes.

Everything is the trough man

To pull off some of the stuff Democrats are accused of, they’d literally have to be supervillains.

They are. That’s the problem. See the thing with truth seekers is that there is no end to child like imagination

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LOL FBI report.

Too funny…


See. Deep state. Everything is deep state. Every investigation…