Mayor of Olympia WA Supports BLM...Until Her Home Gets Vandalized

I showed you one. Like you asked.

Uhm, no. I asked you due to your below response:

You’re justifying destruction of private property “cuz libz”

To justify @Medicswife2002 saying private property deserved to be vandalized

So you were wrong when you said no liberals cheered the destruction of private property. Progress!


I noticed no one called out the liberal either. You included.

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Quote me saying that


There were two groups.

One unknown to the local activist community. Dressed as black block. A white man from the destructive anonymous group sprayed BLM on the mayors house, next to her LGTBQ flag and BLM sign.

The second group wearing neon green shirts labeled Peacekeepers are an established local activist group who came about after police/public incidents in 2015. Looks like they were borne out of a church but they are the area BLM group.

The actual organized BLM group chased the vandals away from property destruction throughout the evening, and also had immediate clean up crews to help the victims that evening and the next day.

Are you trying to process that? Ya, so was the mayor when quoted as such.

Yall act like everyone out there wearing team colors and everything is binary. Glenn Beck’s blog is ready to help reinforce that for you. I’m just here trying to believe we’re smarter than that.

Uhm. Maybe I didn’t see it? I don’t read every post.

So tell me, is vandalizing private property cool now?

Never said it was. And you asked for a post by a liberal saying it was cool to destroy property. And I gave you one.

You sure avoiding calling out those in THIS thread who do by deflecting to “LibZ”.


How about the person in the OP. Did they deserve to have their house vandalized?

Following Trump I will repost my post and say SO TRUE!!

No one does. But that doesn’t matter to a large segment of the left.

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It apparently doesn’t matter to some conservatives in this thread either. GO TEAM!

Doesn’t matter to liberals on here as I indicated. GO TEAM!!

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Still waiting for the quote of the Spokane mayor in the OP saying this…

Ahh the classic conservative principles. Always so easy to disown with “bUT lIBz”

Who exactly is “ya’ll”? How many people wrote the OP?

OP and anyone who posted before me without critically noting the obvious flaws from the Glenn Beck’s blog vs the reporting it stole from.

Her silence on the subject seems to confirm it.