Mark Levin Blasts Trump Taxation (Tariffs) of American Public

And I point that out from time to time. Shrug.

I think you find being disagreed with to be unpleasant. When you run with the blind hatred for Trump that you carry, you’re going to say a lot of disagreeable stuff.

I pointed out your unpleasantries to show that this is a two-way street. I’m certainly not pointing them out to ask you to change. Just don’t expect compassion for your hurt feelings when you are a practitioner of the same.

That’s not the issue. But okay.

Nah. Plenty disagree with me here all the time. That doesn’t bother me.

Again with the false accusation of “blind hatred for Trump?” :rofl:

You really seem to be projecting here now. Interesting.

It’s your unpleasantries.

Don’t expect compassion for hurt feelings.

Hey, it’s a two way street.

You do it too.

Yep, all the above sounds like projection to me. Okay, okay. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings champ. You’re the most pleasant poster here. Thanks for being you! :wink:

Now see this is what Trump should be pushing:

No Tariffs across all countries trade.
Instead we get him Applying Tariffs, now if he is applying Tariffs to get countries to think about the NO Tariffs That would be good.

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Which is a great step and something to consider. But the reality is that it is way more than just tariffs. Subsidies of industries by these nations have an equal, if not at times greater, impact overall in trade.

But yes, I’m all for eliminating tariffs. Let’s do that!!

Levin is not wrong. However, explain how we compete with countries who do.

False? Even you yourself said:

At some point it takes a certain level of animus to sustain it like you do. And it certainly comes across as hate.

Look at your other thread of late: “So It’s Official - America Has Recognized North Korea As An International Equal”. None of that is true. It’s not official that we see NK as an equal. It’s not even TRUE that we see them as an equal. In the OP you list some pinnacle all-or-nothing demands, and then declare,

The tenor of your thread is rooting for his failure. And then you go on to say:

No hate there.

And with all that odium and invectives you sound just like every lib on this board, and then moan in indignation when I point it out. I’m the nasty one for speaking the truth.

Damned straight. Blind hatred.

I am giving Mark a pass on this one. I don’t think he did his research. Free trade is only good when everybody participates equally. When some countries use unethical means to make their goods cheaper than ours to gain an edge in our, or other countries, or even their own, markets, thats not free trade.

When one country places tariffs on products produced in the US, thats not free trade. When one country caps the prices American companies can charge in their country, ie:drugs, thats not free trade.

Law enforcement hatin, big gov lovin, anti free trade, drunken sailor spending, Goldman Sachs enthusiasts … Trump’s New Republican Party.

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they were in the 1930’s and look what it got us.

smoot-Hawley anyone?

signed by Clueless Hoover in 1930. repealed in 1934 By Roosevelt


so Tariffs and trade wars are the way to go, Hellsy?

Isnt there some middle ground like. Duh. Negotiations?

or is that word verboden in trumpland?


Every lib on the board? Give us all a break.

How do trade wars and tarrifs benefit the United States?

answer me that with some facts not opinions.



Often times seeing the worst in someone is a far cry from blind hatred. So yes, false.

Just because you lack the ability to recognize what someone else is thinking or feeling, it does not mean that your false assumptions are true. But the condescending attitude you have towards others clearly leads you to these false conclusions.

It most certainly is true. Seeing the DPRK flag draped side-by-side with the American flag is an example of this equality that we chose to provide to them.

Rooting for his failure? More condescending false assumptions. You’re really bad at this. :rofl:

So emotional. As I said earlier, you are projecting here. I already apologized for hurting your delicate little feelings. Do you need a towel to wipe all of that spittle off of your keyboard?

Well, true. Maybe not EVERY lib.

But you’re one of them.

Hope that helps.

Calling them taxes on buyers in America is odd. It affects how other countries’ products get into the country. None of this is to say tariffs are good.

The charge of “crony capitalism” is funny. My response to such a charge is “So instead of helping ‘my cronies’ we should help yours instead?”.

Liberty and Tyranny is great as a coffee table book.

Lots of Laughs.

I give facts.

Facts arent hate.

Facts are facts.

sorry they dont fit Trump supporters narrative.

He is putting tariffs on Canada just like in 1930.

That is a cold hard fact.


Levin is absolutely correct on this. One thing most government’s love is more taxation. If they can get those taxes through tariffs, that’s fine with them. We stick more tariffs on incoming goods, they stick more tariffs on our outgoing goods. In the end, those price increases are passed on to the end consumer in both countries, and in both cases consumers are left with less disposable income. Less disposable income leads to lower spending, which lead to decreased demand. Decreased demand leads to higher surpluses in product, which leads to less production. Less production requires less labor. Less labor demanded means higher unemployment.

Congratulations - you’ve just created shrinking economies in the nations having a tariff war.


Bingo! :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

No, the way to go is through renegotiation of trade deals. Threatening tariffs is a good incentive for the parties to grab their seat at the table. The US, as the #1 consumer country in the world, has far less to lose in a trade war.

True. But it is more than just a threat. They’ve been implemented. And while we may not lose as much as others, we still lose in a trade war.

Inflation is rising. Interest rates are going to climb as well. The market is hyper-inflated. Debt is being accrued at never before seen rates. Deficit spending is at an all time high. A decrease in the amount of money people have to spend, due to an increase in the costs of goods, from a trade war, coupled with the above, is a recipe for our economy entering another recession. Frankly, one that is coming one way or another. We are overdue for our next recession. A trade war only accelerated this potential.

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