Marjorie Talor Greene - "I am filing articles of impeachment on President-Elect Joe Biden"

So Harris should be impeached? Can you provide the quote for which you believe she should be impeached?

“I said Fweedom!”

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If the Republicans regain the house in 2022, try to impeach him again. Keep trying until it succeeds. It’s time the Republicans used the same tactics as the scum bags that targeted Trump for 4 years. Being nice and polite has gotten us nothing for 40 years. Republicans have been hindered by conscience whereas the Libs have none. Unfortunately, I fear the Reps will slither back into the swamp Trump dragged them out of…

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Why aren’t people okay with the standard of evidence that has been used by Democrats against others for decades now (the seriousness of the charges ) okay with it being applied to Democrats too?


Ok, blew diet dew through my nose on that…

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She is my new favorite congress member!

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Equity, not equality.

She’s a Krazy Karen

I don’t care. Do everything we can possibly do to be a pain in the ass to the dems. Resist. Then resist some more. You go girl!


Call people sheep, post manipulated videos.

It’s fitting.

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Would you put it past him?

Well Lib leader words caused hundreds of riots that went for weeks on end that permanently disrupted thousands of businesses that were looted and burned by Leftist mobs. No outrage from any Libs in that though huh? As usual, Libs don’t give a rats ass about ANYTHING that doesn’t directly affect them.


Dude. Only in Lib world is that considered evidence.

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Right because threats of violence and death were never called for by Libs and even congress members against Trump and his supporters. :roll_eyes:

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Dude…Did I say it was evidence? I asked if it would be out of character…

I have no clue what turns on Shifty, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler or Trump. And I have no desire to learn. The creepy stuff Biden has shown us is more than enough.


For crying out loud… He’s been pontificating from “THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ELECT” since November. The fact that no such office exists didn’t keep him from shooting his senile mouth off in criticism of Trump. The sycophants in the Lib media will gladly give him all the air time he wants to “unite” the country. He needs to put up or shut up.

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Most excellent!

What the communists are going to do to this country is no game.

He may be an adult, but I’ll bet he wears diapers and drools on himself like a toddler.

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