Man Offers Drugs As Payment For Burger Then Shoots People In Parkinglot

The man was at Burger King and offers drugs as payment for his burger and when the person working the cash register didn’t accept it, he shot people in tbe parking lot.

Ridiculous, but BK’s slogan is, “Have it your way.”

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Love the last line of the post.

They clearly did not let him have it his way.

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more free government needles for everyone



This could have also been put in the thug thread.

The Greater Denver area seems to be fomenting thuggishness at an increasing clip as if they want to give NYC a run for its money.


Burger King is like eating right out of the garbage can. That’s probably why he didn’t offer real money.

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They defunded their police so they could take in more illegals. Stupidity hurts.

What kind of drugs was he offering as payment? Cause I certainly would have taken some cocaine as payment.


COVID vaccines.

I dunno if I can turn around and flip those for an ass load of money like coke though.

It’s one hell of a drug.

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, all in a couple hours.


“What are you guys doing in here?”

“We are doing cocaine Dewey, and you don’t want no part of this ■■■■■■

“What’s it do to you?”

“It turns all your bad feelings into good feelings. It’s a nightmare.”