Firebrand Congresswoman Maxine Waters called for the “public harassment” of senior Trump aides over the weekend; urging her supporters to “push back” against the President’s cabinet members at “restaurants” and “gas stations.”
this is hate speech and causing a riot and someone will get killed because of this crooked nut job—how did she make millions on a salary??? daughter paid $175,000 per year to mail postcards—money out of campaign funds. SHE NEEDS TO BE CHARGED WITH INCITING A RIOT----this will not end well. It is people like her that caused the liberal nut to shoot up our GOP congress.
She is one sick puppy. Her hate for Trump has left her totally unhinged. If what she is doing harms or gets someone killed can she be charged for inciting this behavior.
Maxine Waters is a full-blown bully. She is the pugnacious kid in the playground waiting to attack any one in her way or simply does not like because of their looks. Maxine is the epitome of hate. Her words are fill of venom like a rattlesnake waiting to attack. Time to call the troops of impeachment and stop her before she does any more damage.
Donald Trump is a full-blown bully. He is the pugnacious kid in the playground waiting to attack any one in his way or simply does not like because of their looks. Donald is the epitome of hate. His words are fill of venom like a rattlesnake waiting to attack. Time to call the troops of impeachment and stop him before she does any more damage.
You still screwed it up at the end I am a Democrat but with all the hate being pushed by the left i am wondering why i stay with the party. Weather you like Trump or not he is the President. We should all stand with him and hope for the best not fight every move he makes. If the left keeps it up we will see another 4 years of Trump
Isn’t this kind of talk by Waters a perfect example of the actions taken by past seditionists? It does seem Water’s speech would be illegal since it could easily incite violence and tread on the peaceful enjoyment rights of others. It is “hate speech”.
Or rather, Rip-Van Winkle…You must have been snoozing, well fed, housed, protected by the brown clown’s
minions for the past eight years.
The perceived “words full of venom” are called facts, dreamers such as yourselves and other snowflakes wish
to discredit.
Demonc-RATS / socialism are NOT acceptable to those of us that support the Constitution and word of law.
Ogre sounds like he understands a leader that supports AMERICAN PEOPLE AND OUR VALUES.
President Trump in 2020 MAGA !!! Indite “MADMAX” for sedition…she’s certainly inciting violence.
Law and order is just that, Senor Frito.
If you weren’t born in America, being an American citizen can be achieved…LEGALLY.
OUR birthright is not to be diluted by illegals DEMANDING citizenship. GET IN LINE !!
“Nothing says law and order and support of the Constitution like ignoring laws.” President
Trump IS supporting OUR ( not your wishes) laws.
Senor Bandito, you, nor ANY person just crosses our or ANY country’s borders without vetting.
If I went to Mexico to live, how 'bout YOU writing out the requirements for a gringo to live there.
That may have sounded good in your head, but it’s not correct. Any person that crosses our borders claiming asylum is afforded due process and a hearing with a judge. You may not like that fact, but it’s still a fact. Change the laws if you want it your way.
Mx. Leader… The FIRST thing I thought when I read this today is that Lyin’ Benedict Arnold Ryan should have called for censure. Is he scared of her? A rhetorical question. Out of 200+ republicans someone should have done that.
Censure Auntie Maxine. That’s first. And second call it what it is. As a Rush caller put it the other day it’s not a simple case of illegal alien migrants. It’s a case of illegal alien colonization. Some say even invasion.
It is colonization or invasion because many who come here have NO idea of becoming citizens of this country. Maybe making us citizens of their perhaps.
At the least cite continually the documented cases of child abuse starting with South Americans sending their kids packing…and maybe even selling them to coyotes for who knows what?
The more Maxine rattles her mouth the better chance Mr. Trump has in 2020 and also the Mid terms might be a big surprise for Maxine. I cannot believe hard working Democrats condone this kind of Behavior from an elected democrat congress women, So Maxine keep your gums moving you are helping the cause, Making America great again