Lying piece of you know what

Farewell and adieu ye old Spanish ladies.

It is funny, though. They always have to do this with the most comically unthreatening people.

Like, you’ve got Obama, this mild-mannered beer-brewing nerd poised somewhere between Harvard Law and Goldman Sachs. He’s a sci-fi nerd. The guy literally interviewed Marilyn Robinson in The New York Review of Books.

The right says: No problem. He’s a snob at a country club. He’s a terrorist-loving Muslim communist; he’s an angry, raging black man; also, he’s gay, smokes crack, and his mother is a whore.

In contrast, you’ve got this rancid sausage-casing stuffed with racism, litigation, lies, venality, bankruptcies, narcissism, cruelty, and old Big Mac meat. It’s been sitting in the sun for 4 decades. We even had a consensus about it.

But Republicans look at this bag of sludge and say: “I want this to be president. I will believe anything it says no matter how stupid or obviously false. I will dismiss anyone who does not believe. This hairy, fetid meat sack is now the measure of all things.”


Right? Striking resemblance to Yezhov, if you ask me.

He didn’t lie. That is the DoJ’s job. My question would be,
“OK that’s your job. Are you doing it?”

What does the Durham report have to do with making sure only citizens vote?

Watched part of hearing.

Republicans: you have ruined the reputation of the justice department by weaponizing it politically and are a disgrace.

Garland: I cannot answer that question because it is part of an ongoing investigation

Democrats: Thank you for your years of service and for bringing justice and peace back to the DOJ after orange man.

Then I gave up.


Anybody know where Robert Hur is?

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We’re so blessed…
Now we have two phylosophers on this board… :clap: :clap:


This triggered some fragile nancies. lol


when the bright light of truth is shined in the beady red eyes of the hissing left - always does

it’s also why they can’t take memes that hit home


That was great.

Thanks for posting this!!


my pleasure

i love strong women

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She has to be mortified to see the very government she rejected spawn at her feet in the US.


He said that they were applying the law equally not that the goal was to do so.

The difference in the double standards he is upholding is easy to see. He would love to burn Trump at the stake all the while stalling and covering for the Bidens.

He flat out lied Big Time.

We dodged a bullet in keeping this turd off the SC.


and “i cannot recollect thinking that”

disgusting isnt it?

they really need you to be an idiot


How about "I don’t know how many or even if any FBI agents were involved (undercover agitators) in jan 6th


Didn’t have much to say about Ray Epps either.


nice “show” charge, which came well after people were noticing the circumstances of his involvement

when he sits in prison let us know m k?


Man… You guys really want blood.

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Justice and law.


you seem confused over what the left and democrats want

maybe nancy can give him a nice punch like she wants