Looks like Trump has his conspiracy theory ready to go for the midterms

You’re just running cover for you favorite politician (in case wrong doing is discovered).


He’s just trying to get public sympathy.

He is good at this tactic.

Even more ironic that this was the same group that went into a frenzy because a few NFL players were protesting LE.


Yes, I think that is the more likely scenario.

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It’s what he does…you present facts and he just cops out…

Anyways not sure why trump needs to do this. Polls show the dem lead in generic polling is gone…

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who ? Trump? of course he is gonna win.
And the never-trumpers, with their epithets against the common man, will ensure his supporters will get to the polls.

Elite libs calling the majority of people stupid, racist deplorables is like a gift to Trump. The message is clear… if libs get elected, they will punish the common man for being so stupid and racist.

Nothing but chit chat was exposed.

Absolutely. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


I think it is Trump trying to hedge his bets. The same way he did in the General Election by preemptively suggesting the outcome would be rigged against him.

I, as a common man, am getting a bit weary of the comedy show at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


But why now, though? That comedy show has been going on at least since I was born.

Going on for some while, true, but it has really jumped the shark with this president and his chaos administration.

And those people eat that crap up because they tend to be very sore losers

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That’s a matter of opinion though.

Yep, and he openly says he enjoys the chaos. That’s one of the (many) things that initially turned me off during his campaign - I’m an orderly kind of guy.


Yes they do and yes they seem to be. The very epitome of the eternal victim.

Its how they make money…someone somewhere is always picking on them.

ah… almost forgot.

The Lib McDonalds menu of hate also says we loathe WOMEN !

interesting. and I’m not.
I wonder if Trump attracted these conventional types of people. It would be an interesting research paper.

I just struggle understanding how people can live their lives believing someone is always out to get them. Not being capable of introspection and taking responsibility for their own lot in life.