This is a breakthrough, but still a very long way away from fusion being a practical source of energy. The net positive reaction lasted about five seconds.
But still in my mind an exciting breakthrough (if they do in fact confirm it) and something we simply must achieve if we want to make a true transformation to our economy going forward.
…when they say they got a net energy positive reaction (2 MJ in, 3 MJ out)…
…does the 2 MJ include the energy it took to build the equipment that powered the experiment?
Because if it didn’t…it wasn’t a net energy positive outcome.
I bet they aren’t thinking total systems energy like this.
The reason fossil fuels are so good is we generate much more energy than the energy it takes to extract the fossil fuels. Because fossil fuels are so energy dense.
Fusion can’t take over unless the total system energy is majorly net energy positive.