President Trump going to West Virginia mainly to try to boost the candidacy of Senator Manchin’s GOP opponent. But Senator Manchin is still up in the polls there.
i would argue that he’s greatest accomplishment was getting elected.
the economy just keeps trucking. stock markets continuing up (flat this year though). no wall. no better health insurance. trade wars. allies alienated. no hillary in prison. trump team members locked up or cooperating. debt exploding/tax cuts.
now, he is cutting safety regulations for many industries. that’s seen as a positive by many.
Can’t watch Fat Donald up at the podium of one of his reelection rallies when he is spewing his ire without seeing that proverbial old grouchy neighbor, standing on his front porch, cursing at the neighbors kids to get off of his lawn, when they go on it to retrieve an errant ball.
Then his crowds get in on it with so much anger, so much vitriol, so much victimhood.
Just like with Kavanaugh ranting then bawling before the Senate committee.
So much anger and pain at the thought his white privilege was being questioned.
"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday slammed President Obama for campaigning for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton instead of focusing on his role as president.
“Because of our failed leaders, including from the campaigner in chief Obama — this guys does nothing but campaign. You know I said the other day, I said, ‘Let him work on bringing our jobs back from Mexico, who stole our jobs. Let him work on building up our very depleted, you know it better than anybody, our depleted military,’” Trump said during a rally in Selma, N.C.
“Instead, he is campaigning with somebody who is under the FBI investigation.”
Trump argued that the country’s current leaders are inept.
“We are led by stupid people, OK? We’re led by stupid people, and one of them is campaigning just too much,” he said."
Indeed. I have often wondered whether the people ranting about TDS understand how it could could very easily be interpreted in the reverse, i.e. the mindless knee-jerk defense and adoration of Donald.
Well I can’t speak for anybody else, but I hate him because he’s a narcissistic imbecilic lying hateful piece of human garbage who treats women like crap and has repeatedly done racist things.
In late 2020 Manhattan Island will be converted to prison colony and all Trump voters will be sent there, it has been planned since 1981 and Trump gave the opportunity. All hail the deep state.
This, while not exactly an outright lie, isn’t really truth.
Other public reaction to the speech was divided along partisan lines.[6] The Democratic-leaning Chicago Times observed, “The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States.”[62] In contrast, the Republican-leaning The New York Times was complimentary and printed the speech.[56] In Massachusetts, the Springfield Republican also printed the entire speech, calling it “a perfect gem” that was “deep in feeling, compact in thought and expression, and tasteful and elegant in every word and comma”. The Republican predicted that Lincoln’s brief remarks would “repay further study as the model speech”.[63] On the sesquicentennial of the address, The Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, formerly the Patriot & Union , retracted its original reaction (“silly remarks” deserving “the veil of oblivion”) stating: “Seven score and ten years ago, the forefathers of this media institution brought forth to its audience a judgment so flawed, so tainted by hubris, so lacking in the perspective history would bring, that it cannot remain unaddressed in our archives. … the Patriot & Union failed to recognize [the speech’s] momentous importance, timeless eloquence, and lasting significance. The Patriot-News regrets the error.”[64][65]
It’s already happening on a massive scale. The Democrat Party is in shambles, a mere remnant of what it once was. The GOP swells with new patriots daily, all coming to take a knee before Donald, our glorious leader chosen by God to deliver us from Deep State evil.
Those who resist will be imprisoned, deported, and summarily barred from ever entering our land to torment us with their lies and hate again.