I don’t think you read about that last case, where the doctors said, by law, they couldn’t induce an abortion until the fetus heart beat was gone. And then she died of sepsis a few days later.
Dude you cannot believe that issue on 2000. That’s as wild as Trump claiming he won in 2020.
The court wasn’t even overwhelmingly right wing then. Blame Gore for not letting Clinton drum up his support in the southern states. That’s at the core of why he lost. Clinton was the lamest of all lame ducks because of the failure of Camp David and the Lewinsky/Perjury scandal. But he was still a good campaigner. He should have accepted his help.
Who was responsible for giving her the best medical care possible?
In the case you are referring to, the woman was undergoing a chemical abortion and in spite of explicit warnings as to the seriously bad things that can happen in a significant number of cases, she developed sepsis and waited too long before seeking medical care. Both she and the doctors were responsible. Any doctor following their Hippocratic Oath would have performed a D&C and challenged the law all the way to the SCOTUS if necessary. But she might still have died from the sepsis.
You are not aware of the BS they did prior to the election. They removed 1000’s of people from the voting rolls inFL, based on name only. The Sec Of state, discounted 1000’s of ballots for BS reasons. The US SCOTUS got involved, and handed the election to Bush…
We can talk about how Nixon committed treason in 1968 to cheat his way to the WH.
This is on tape…
And the JFK campaign probably did a ■■■■ ton of ballot stuffing in 1960 in Chicago that tipped the election over to him. Nixon’s advisors recommended bringing it up and throwing a suit but he decided to bow out gracefully.
By 1968 Nixon had went crazy.
Politicians are cheating snakes. What else is new?
So you admit it. Accusations of cheating and fraud are not unique to Trump. Interesting that you have been concealing your knowledge of historic “denial” of election results for the last four years without a peep.
There were several individual precincts in Chicago where Nixon got zero votes and Kennedy got tens of thousands. Of course, that is virtually impossible statistically, but it happened. Illinois (and many other states) used mechanical voting machines back then, and someone had pulled the pin connecting the cog to the counter on the Nixon levers. Cheating and fraud in elections most likely goes back as far as elections have existed.
Can you cite an example of someone, after losing in court, enacted a scheme to subvert the counting of the electoral college votes and certifying the election?