Libs, why do you always have to cheat?

Yup…SCOTUS allowing Virginia to break the law. In other words, cheating.

I don’t take him literally but I take him seriously.

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:rofl: Final Arbiters

For what?

hooray for legislating from the bench, ignoring federal law!

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Like what?

Introducing foreign substances into our precious bodily fluids.

Quit whining.


That’s ridiculous, and it just looks wrong.

That’s not what’s at issue here.

And VA allows registration right through election day (same day registration).

Removing non-citizens from the voter registration rolls is not cheating, it’s crime prevention.

Then don’t look at it from the right side of the car … or from the right side of a soldier.

The fact is, the code does not acknowledge a three-dimensional world. Get over it.

That is hilarious coming from you!


A law was passed in 1994 (or so) that limited the purging/cleaning up of voter rolls close to an election, which is 90 days. The corrupt SCOTUS crapped on that law…to help their #1 client.

So do you think the law was passed so that non-citizens would have an opportunity to be able to vote?

Sounds like more whining.


Thank you.

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Nullifying federal law is legislating from the bench.

Judicial activism. Legislating from the bench.

No. It was passed to prevent citizens from losing their registration too close to election day.

it was shown that there were many citizens who are eligible to vote in the cache they wiped out.