Let us thank ICE Officers for helping to rid our cities of criminal illegal entrants

Not exactly a felon…

Fair enough. Remove the word felon. The rest of my post stands.

Ok. Excellent facts summary and analysis. Much appreciate the reply. Sorry – I was running short on RedBull earlier! 5hanks!

The fact remains if the law was being enforced as it is now back when these people in the article were applying, they would have been deported before they got their green cards. A conviction doesn’t go away even if you ignore it for 20 years. The law is catching up with them. Zero sympathy.

I spent several hours over the weekend researching the work of ICE, and the vast majority of apprehensions involved criminal activity by illegal entrants such as rape, murder, extortion, human trafficking, drug distribution, gang activity, etc. But if you listen to our Fifth Column media, especially MSNBC, you would think ICE agents are set up to “rip babies from the arms of their mothers”.

As I previously pointed out, our open border crowd, and this includes our Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists, are very clever at creating an emotional outrage by exploiting children, using them as a weapon in the illegal immigration debate, just like the Viet Cong used children to deliver bombs to our troops which then blew both of them up.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

Where do these trials occur? Some secret, off the record, courtrooms?

Yet another hysterically misleading headline…

The agents, who work to combat things like drugs and arms trafficking, wrote that their investigations “have been perceived as targeting undocumented aliens, instead of the transnational criminal organizations that facilitate cross border crimes impacting our communities and national security.”

The letter suggests splitting ICE into two separate agencies that focus separately on homeland security and deportation, which the agents say would “improve transparency, efficiency and effectiveness.”

I say NO. Why make it easier for “protesters” to target immigration enforcement efforts and personnel.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I mentioned nothing about a trial. Is this your attempt to switch the subject I was talking about in order to take the spotlight off our Fifth Column media [MSNBC] and the tactics used by our open border crowd, and also deflect from the actual work ICE does which I documented?

Your old and tired stupid debating tricks are duly noted!


A Supreme Court Justice’s job is to observe the plain text of our Constitution, and give effect to its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

The Trump administration is not prosecuting these criminals? That’s an outrage for the victims of these crimes… Where are the prosecutions?

What on earth are you talking about? What “criminals” are you talking about? Who are the "victims’ you are talking about? What “crimes” are you referring to? Prosecutions for what?


A Supreme Court Justice’s job is to observe the plain text of our Constitution, and give effect to its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.


I posted a number of articles giving reasons to thank ICE for its dedicated work. Did you miss those articles?


The primary function of a Supreme Court Justice is to observe the plain text of our Constitution, and give effect to its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

You aren’t the only person that posts here

Why don’t you stop being so damned judgmental and thank ICE for doing a difficult job to defend the greatest country on Earth? Those guys do the best they can. And criticism from liberal, fat cat, wealthy, power hungry Senators working part time from their air conditioned offices is all they get. These ungrateful clowns are not worthy to shine the boots of an ICE/ border patrol agent. Disgusting.

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Another “benefit” of illegal immigration:

When you talk about wealthy fat cats, you are spot on and talking about fat cats like John Legend, a Limousine Socialist who, over the weekend, told us how sympathetic he is towards the millions of illegal entrant children and their plight while lambasting the good women and men of ICE who are working to remove illegal entrants from many of our nation’s inner cities which are infested with MS-13 gang members who engage in such criminal activities as human trafficking, rape, murder, armed robbery, child and elderly abuse, drug distribution etc., and terrorize these inner cities.

If John Legend and his wife were really as concerned about the “children’s” plight as he indicated, then why hasn’t he and his squeeze taken a few hundred of these children into their $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills?

Instead, he attacks ICE for making our inner cities safe by fearlessly confronting some of the most dangerous illegal entrant criminals while doing their job.

Does John Legend not care about the safety and well-being of American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

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You made the claim earlier in the thread that “the vast majority of apprehensions involved criminal activity by illegal entrants such as rape, murder, extortion, human trafficking, drug distribution, gang activity, etc.”. I am asking you WHERE are the prosecutions for these crimes?

In 2017 ICE conducted 143,470 administrative arrests. Are you saying that these were all for rape, murder, extortion, human trafficking, drug distribution, gang activity?

Just a few minutes of “researching” shows sexual assault, kidnapping and homicide each made up 1% or fewer of both pending charges and prior convictions.

Yep. These hypocrites act as if they are forced to hoard their millions unless the government gives them permission to do something. They are swimming in a sea of cash that they could use to solve issues. But they would rather sit on their fortunes and point fingers. What a croc.

Did you take the tour of Legend’s $14 million plus mansion in Beverly Hills by clicking on the arrow? This obscene luxury is typical of Hollywood’s Limousine socialists who constantly browbeat hard working American citizens because they object to being made into tax slaves to support millions of illegal entrants and their children while American children go without.

With all the money these Hollywood Limousine socialists have, they could build a small city with all the necessities of life for “the children” who are flooding into our Country from Mexico and Central America, and it wouldn’t put a dent in their bank accounts. Instead, they persecute and defame ICE agents who put their lives on the line trying to keep our inner cities free from illegal entrants who engage in such criminal activities as human trafficking, rape, murder, armed robbery, child and elderly abuse, drug distribution etc., and terrorize American citizens and their children who live there.

The good news is, every day American citizens and their children who live in inner-cities suffer the social and financial consequences of illegal immigration they are realizing the democrat party leadership has been playing them for years by not securing our borders and not deporting criminal illegal entrants.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

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I support ICE. We need dedicated enforcement of immigration laws.

I also support the FBI and the DOJ and the Special Counsel and the intelligence community.

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How was it worth the time and money for ICE to pursue this man?