Legalizing All Illegal Drugs

If we’re ganna legalize all illegal drugs, than why wouldn’t it be ok
to give Antibiotics away freely to anyone at any time as well?

Chances are, you do drugs every day. The only difference, is your opinion on them.

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What does one have to do with the other?

Milk is a gateway drug. All drug users started with milk.

You know that improper use of antibiotics can be a lot more dangerous than weed, right?

So I take it you’ve never been to a bar, where people buy addictive alcohol for the opposite sex all the time? Some get laid, some don’t.

There’s a major difference in potency, as well as what kind of side effects those things
do not only to the body, but to the brain, especially when you’re talking about something like illegal drugs. Go fry an egg in a pan. That’s your brain on illegal drugs.
Go take an asprin, and it’s not going to do the same thing. lol.

A candy bar is a sugar rush. putting heroin, or snorting cocaine effects different receptors in the brain. How often do you hear about an over dose from a candy bar, or a cigarette, coffee, or a Coca-Cola. Yes they’re both addictions, but one is a lot more healthier of an addiction than the others, and not as risky. Becoming addicted to illegal drugs can make a person do almost anything to get them. If you made cocola illegal, most people wouldn’t do anything to get one.

Illegal does not equal more harmful.

No it isn’t, it’s an egg frying in a frying pan, and it’s delicious.

Take some CBD oil in Idaho. It will do everything the aspirin does, but better. It will also be illegal there. Legal does not equal better.

Speaking of what your brain actually looks like on drugs:

Same receptors. Bet you didn’t know that sugar and caffeine were your first drug experiences of being high out of your mind. And to think, you were only a child. lol

I hear about overdoses on nicotine and caffeine and sugar all the damn time. You know, e-cigs, energy drinks, fat people on The Biggest Loser, etc.?

“My addiction is holier than your addiction.” Right. This silly type of outlook is precisely the reason why cannabis is now legal for me, so thanks for doing your part in ending prohibition. I’m rolling a joint in your honor now. You should chug a beer. :wink:

I’ve watched people get arrested for stealing candy bars from the gas station. Again, thank you for doing your part in making the arguments for prohibition a complete joke. I always knew I’d live to see my joints sold in stores, I’m just glad I’m only middle-aged. :sunglasses:

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Damn bro. :wink:

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I’ve never actually debated why drugs should be either decriminalized or legalized until I started the Legalizing Psychedelics thread that this one is based off of. Now I know why, because this is waaaaaay too easy, and I’m on at least my 10th dab tonight. lol

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Drugs and alcohol. The perfect way for a guy to take advantage of a woman.
Supported by the Democratic Politicians.

I take pride in saying that I’ve never had to use drugs or alcohol to try and
get into a girls pants. It’s called Respect for a woman.

I guess that is why Democrat Politicians keep getting caught taking advantage of
women, and nothing keeps happening. They get away with it, and most of their
fellow Democratic Politicians friends all stick up for them. And yet some how
these politicians are all for women’s rights, and equality for women.

How so? I’m not really sure, because their hypocrisy is sick!

A lot more things in life would make more logic sense when it comes to
Democratic Politicians in Washington, if the explanation of why they
acted the way that they do, was because they were on illegal drugs.

I’m not saying it would be justifiable, but how they act would just make more sense then.

Any time Democrats politicians in Washington, or a Democrat like jessie smullet
does something really stupid, like make Abortion Legal, with witch hunt, or
falsely make accusations of a hate crime, I think to myself…………………………
I wonder if these people are on illegal drugs? lmao!

Seriously though. I really do.

Yes I know you can’t stand women being in charge of their own body’s.

I respect women.

I respect them so much, that I don’t need drugs to be able to date a woman,
or have sex with a woman. I’m simply honest.

Now that I think about it, that probably a huge reason why probably most if not all
drugs dealers are Democrats. Than again, I’m not sure why the rest of you
would want to ruin a good thing for Illegal drugs.

I mean if all illegal Drugs are legalized, then Democrats will have to find
different ways to lie to a woman to get into their pants.
They won’t be able to just give them drugs that they’re addicted to, to get into
their pants.

Mind you, not all have Democrats need to give a woman an addictive illegal drug,
or roofie them, or even rape them.
But just think if Democrats, and Democratic Politicians didn’t have illegal drugs
to use against women, or roofy them, or rape them, and were actually held
accountable for their actions!!!

There would be a lot less sex amongst Democrat guys, and a lot more
jail and prison time!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

That’s improper use. Use them as directed, and 200 years ago a person could die just from getting the flu very easily.

Improper use of most medications, and drugs, are usually bad for a person in general. That’s just common sense in general. Of course Democratic Voters seem to enjoy
abusing and improperly using drugs in general, compared to Conservatives for some reason.

Man I used to snort adderall with the most right wing people imaginable in college. Coke once in a while too. And everyone, liberal, libertarian, and conservative, smoker a bunch of weed and ate Xanax like it was candy.

Yeah, but this isn’t the 70’s or 60’s any more.
Huge distinction, especially from a college level of partying(more in a safer environment), compared to people who live on the streets and do drugs.

Dude I was in college from 2008 till 2013.

Not that long ago.

I think most are coming around to legalizing marijuana we are seeing it state by state.