Left Wing / Right Wing Media Outlets - What do you think?

We were right. You were wrong. What’s to fear from my stand point?

You should be very worried though. :rofl:

Why? My side doesn’t have a bunch of indictments, guilty pleas and convictions like yours does.

Not yet. The Obama administration wouldn’t allow any serious investigation of the corruption within his administration.

Over the next 6 years and 4 months of President Trump that may just get remedied.:+1:

Hold tight onto that faith and hold it high. The drop will then be even longer. :+1:

What’s the holdup? Trump has been president for almost 2 years? Is he really that incompetent that he can’t get the ball rolling?

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Yes, that is a good site.
That chart has NPR as far left (they frequently have conservatives on their panels, Cato, AEI, Heritage)

Also the NY Times, WA Post, and Vice news as Far left. They do lean left, but reality does have that effect.

And they have Townhall, to the right of Infowars.

A chart created by a Far Rightie, for Far Right righties.

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