Law enforcement troubles in Ohio

The arrest and subsequent dropping of charges of Stormy Daniels in Ohio a few ago certainly looked suspicious, now it looks like there may be some trouble at the Columbus Police Department…

When will Trumpkins learn… people tend to fight back…

Huh. I would have bet money it was a spur of the moment decision by trump-supporting cops.

She came here before Ohio and I heard two cops I knew fantasizing about someone busting her, so my surprise is somewhat limited.

Yeah, not so much… I think the way to describe what did is like this: conspiracy, under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U.S.

Interestingly, this story broke today about the CPD…
Columbus Police Sergeant Indicted On Child Pornography Charges

Curious, busting her because she is making trump look bad or other reasons?

Hate to sound like a crappy political thriller meme but…how far up does it go?

Have you read the motion to dismiss? The legal basis for the dismissal?

They couldn’t even get the elements right…

Was Kris Kobach in charge?

‘Cause Trump.


It was a female cop who 3 stoogesly planned this all out and then busted Stormy in a nightclub for inappropriate touching? She’s gone…

Some expensive times in Columbus…

Obviously because of Trump.