Last poster wins!

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Jabba the wok sounds like someone else

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“this” seldom has a specific meaning, it is most often a pronoun.
EX “is this your bag?” or*“bill played a role in bringing this about.”

It can have a meaning when used as an adjective or adverb
I can provide you with some examples if you like.



This is all entirely dependent on what your definition of the word, “is” is.

Define? 0h, that’s easy.
“is” is the the third person present tense of the verb “be.”

But it has no meaning.
Just like my frequent dreams of myself covered in beautiful scallops on a beach surrounded by many deep intriguing caves have no meaning.


…why scallops?

They bite.

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bay scallops are best

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I had oysters on the half shell with seafood stuffed mushrooms after sailing today. I added extra radish and hot sauce for @rp5x5 .

I also got my first maroon-colored sunburn of the year. After I’m done peeling next week, I’ll have my summer bronze skin back. Great weekend so far.

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Actual dream involves clams.
but when I tried to get AI to create a picture, it kept drawing scallops despite numerous attempts.

(I guess it’s a whole lot more “A” than “I.”)

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Houston, we have a problem…

“Yes Janet…Life is pretty cheap to that type.”