Largest insurer slams medicare for all

Yes, yes it would. The sooner we leave this behind the better.

And some posts are so ridiculous there’s no reason to go into them in any length.

Nope. There was nobody running who had anything to do with the economy in 2016. That said, even I am shocked at how well the nation is doing under the president. Simply shocking.

Not to congress it doesn’t. It’s a lie. They have no intention of giving up their plan for Medicare. They want you to give up YOUR plan. It’s not Medicare for all. It’s Medicare for Y 'all.

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What did the Fox pundits tell me?

You tell me. You gush in the warm embrace of Fox. So what have they told you about him?

If you watched you wouldn’t have to ask. I’m not going to do your research. You must belong to the club.

I didn’t ask you to write a thesis. I simply asked you a question. You know, like Fox hosts often like to do-they just ask the tough questions no one else will ask. Like me!

No, the ACA came about because there were red state dem’s who would not get on board with single payer. Because they knew that in the next election they would be voted out by angry voters. This was the dem’s way to get their vote so they could get something anything passed.
And look what happened to those red state dems in the next midterms. They were gone. They should have listened to the people who elected them and not the leftist.

They get paid to ask questions. It’s pretty much their only job. I do not.
If you really want to know what they say. Watch the show. If you don’t, then do not watch it. The choice is yours. I’m not giving a play by play analysis of FNC. If I want to give FNC updates, I will give them. If I don’t then I will not. Fair enough?

BTW Hannity is on right now and he’s on a roll.

Look at them tell everyone how awesome their current insurance plans are. Thanks Obama!

In Medicare for all, everyone has access. You dont give up a plan for it. You can buy supplemental private if you want

Yep. Paying 5000 dollars more per year was Awesome. He had to lie. Or he could not have gotten it through.

That’s what Obama told some group he spoke to. He said ten-fifteen years, it won’t happen overnight.


It won’t. It was his failure to not negotiate it in the first place. He wasn’t Bill. I thought he was. I was wrong.

You would have to be pretty stupid to think private insurance would want to lose their profits from denying people’s claims.

You’re right. In 2016 nobody was running on the economy being bad. Nobody was talking about true unemployment rates around 40%. :roll_eyes:

You also have to be pretty stupid to think that anyone who works in the insurance business will be happy to vote themselves out of a job. 2.66 million people.

There was zero chance of getting such a thing at that time. Zero.