Largest insurer slams medicare for all

And why would they not? Why would they be in favor of a plan that puts 2.66 million of them out of work?

Personally, I think the whole idea of congress forcing a plan on us that they would be unwilling to accept for themselves to be immoral. I’m surprised that nobody talks about this.

I have three questions for you.

  1. Do you favor giving up your current plan for Medicare?

  2. Should those who have good plans and want to keep them, be forced off of them against their will?

  3. Should congress be the first ones to give up their plan in exchange for Medicare? Or should they be allowed to stick you with a plan that is far inferior to the one that they designed for themselves?

  1. Yes, and I have a great plan that my employer pays 100% monthly.

  2. Personally, in my opinion, if they want to pay extra for their additional private insurance, they can do that. I think Australia does that. I know a guy that has BCBS hospitalization insurance in addition to his Medicare.

  3. Medicare-4-All should be for all.

Finally, a large corporate insurer is coming out against Medicare-4-All? I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.


Good replies. They are all the opposite of Bernie’s and many others plan. How they could be opposed to your plan, which costs the tax payer zero dollars. Is bewildering.

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Hmmmm im pretty sure medicare 4 all would hurt their profits of course they are against it

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Simple, they know if private plans are allowed to exist, doctors will prefer to have those patients over medicare patients and medicare patients will get the worst doctors.

1.Do you favor giving up your current plan for Medicare?

2.Should those who have good plans and want to keep them, be forced off of them against their will?

3.Should congress be the first ones to give up their plan in exchange for Medicare? Or should they be allowed to stick you with a plan that is far inferior to the one that they designed for themselves?

I use the VA so ummm yeah

Yeah to this?

3.Should congress be the first ones to give up their plan in exchange for Medicare? Or should they be allowed to stick you with a plan that is far inferior to the one that they designed for themselves?

It is a good starting point for negotiations with members of the house and senate on Capitol Hill. You can’t start negotiations by giving up the farm like Obamacare.

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Blue Dog wants to force you off of your excellent plan and into a plan that costs much more and covers much less. Is that something that you would like to negotiate?

OP, thank you for looking out for the poor, innocent insurance companies. They are our friends.


Of course it will cost me more. My employer pays the bill. :slight_smile:

The ability to move from job to job or to small business owner without the worry of health insurance changing is worth it in my opinion.

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You’re welcome.

They are neither friend nor enemy. They are merely trying to earn a living. 2.66 million are trying to keep there jobs. Probably half of them are democrats. Guess who they are not going to vote for?

I will thank you in advance for answering these.

1.Do you favor giving up your current plan for Medicare?

2.Should those who have good plans and want to keep them, be forced off of them against their will?

3.Should congress be the first ones to give up their plan in exchange for Medicare? Or should they be allowed to stick you with a plan that is far inferior to the one that they designed for themselves?

What about this?

3.Should congress be the first ones to give up their plan in exchange for Medicare? Or should they be allowed to stick you with a plan that is far inferior to the one that they designed for themselves?

I would agree to all of these things under the right circumstances. Medicare for All should mean that everyone qualifies for Medicare. If you want to buy private health insurance, you should have the option to do so. Keep in mind that insurance companies are in business to make a profit, pre existing conditions most likely will not be offered a plan.

I think that choices for private insurance will be limited. If the majority of medical facilities will be accepting Medicare, less people will be using privatized healthcare. It appears that we would have two separate systems with two separate medical facilities. I’m not exactly sure how this would happen.

Congress should have the same choice everyone else has, but their private insurance should not be paid by the taxpayer. In fact, I would agree to a plan where employers couldn’t offer private insurance for employees.

Like I said, Medicare-4-All should be for all, including the Congress, including the millionaires, including the workers, and including all others. If they want to go and purchase insurance for what Medicare doesn’t cover, like nowadays, that would be up to them.

I disagree with that fewer people will be using private healthcare. Medicare part B is exactly that

What circumstance makes it moral for the ruling class to set up a world class insurance plan for themselves and force us on to one that is not anywhere close to what they have given themselves? In what world is this “me first” attitude okay?

Anything that they deem is good enough for us, should also be good enough for them.


Then none of the dems will be offering a plan that you can support. And a few, including Bernie want all private insurance to be shut down and 2.66 million people put out of work.

If Bernie’s plan is enacted, zero people will be using private health care. That’s what the term “Medicare for all” means. It will all be government. There will be one plan.