Lady Winsome Sears

Check your privilege.

also clean and articulate.


Yes! Joey loved him some Barry, err Barack.


Have your DNA analyzed. You’ll be surprised what’s in your bloodline.

It’s not me who is surprised by what I’ve known long before confirming it with my DNA.

I descend from actual bloodlines. :sunglasses:

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I like it - Northern England, thats where I am from and my family still lives there. I will overlook the Scottish :wink:

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Had our DNA checked. Dad’s parents Italian. Mom American, records dating back to the early 18th century.
Discovered more Greek from the Ionian peninsula than Italian, Ashkenazi Jewish and oh, some African! :rofl: Mom: Welch, Scottish and Scandinavian. The Brits on Moms side had aboriginal women that bore children sometime before the French and Indian War. The were from one of the Iroquois tribes. DNA proof of tribal affiliations is difficult as there is no bank to cross with. I have more detailed breakdown on a document somewhere.
And here we all are! :star_struck:

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It’s actually mostly from London due to the bloodlines trading nieces and such. It’s actually highly likely that you and I have a common paternal ancestor from about 700-800 years ago. :wink:

Well the Romans were in England from 43 to around 410 AD so on that parental side, doubtful. But on the maternal side, possibly. Keep me in mind for the next family gathering. :woozy_face:

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Fascinating (honestly) : 3, 4 and 9 are all considered northern england.

With the successful invasion by William the Conqueror in 1066 and the subsequent influx of Normans no surprise a lot of English have France, Northern Europe ancestry

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Man, you are like whiter than white! LOL

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were Dad’s parents perhaps Sicilian? Most conquered Island in history. Could explain the Ionian and African.

I will have to do this sometime, no-one knows much about my mother, they say she was Irish… I have my doubts.

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This thread is about Lady Winsome Sears, not you white boys’ DNA.

You should. If the Scotts had put priority on fighting the English instead of each other, you would probably be Scottish. :wink:

Blue blood? :wink:

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does it matter if she’s not a lesbian?

coz thats what matters.

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half black - sorry we remember

dang! huh?

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Depends if it’s winter or not. :rofl: