Ladies and Gentleman...this is your new Republican Party

I would take a million Ilhan Omars over a single hate fueled Trumpist any day of the week.


No one knows the exact number but if you want to get somewhere in the ballpark pew polls are a great place to start. I have seen the numbers in European countries and whether Islam is compatible with the west but to be honest I haven’t seen it done in America.

What do you think fuels Omar?


Despicable actions, and he’s not fit to be President of the United States.


In that case, hopefully you didn’t vote for Trump. He ran his entire campaign around the theme “make America great again,” implying this great nation was no longer great.

A guy that doesn’t believe in the greatness of America will never get my vote.


They don’t care.

Simple chants and slogans are all they need.

Makes it easy to keep the Red Hat Mob all angry.


Her poll numbers will double because of this madness and go to 18%.

When the Dem audience cheered at Rashida Harbi Tlaib call to impeach Trump, what was that name she called him?

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This seems like a good time for CNN to cut to Richard Spencer again so we can have a good ol’ “both sides” debate.


A name that was more than fitting for a guy who brags about forcing himself on women by grabbing them by the genitalia.

Welcome to the new Democrat Party

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So, they are no longer chanting “lock her up” anymore??

New as in…not cheering septuagenarians who brag about committing sexual assault? Yeah, you’ll forgive me if someone thought Trump’s conduct was worthy of cursing him out and I don’t shed tears along with you. Maybe those should be saved for the toddlers in cages for weeks on end.

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Amazing the number of people flocking here to lock their children in cages at the concentration camps. Haven’t they heard the news? Why are they still coming?

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Because their homes are third world hell holes run by cartels and corrupt officials thanks to America’s insatiable appetite for drugs. I would ask what you would do if you and your loved ones were in a similar situation, but I have found most Trumpists either incapable or unwilling to engage in the self reflection necessary for empathy.


You should suggest that campaign idea to the Dem front runners.

Don’t want to change the cadence of the mindless chant.

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The family of the man and his daughter that drowned said he was coming to America because he wanted to buy his own home.

Why? Since when do we deport citizens because of policies?

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Yes, when Hillary is mentioned. She wasn’t tonight.