Yeah! About time!
From what I’ve heard they’re hard workers and predominantly socially conservative.
Yep. Great people.
There’s a hispanic family down the block.
Our neighborhood isn’t really close, but one day the mom down the block knocked on my door and asked if I’d be OK if there was a lot of noise from their yard the following evening. They were going to be celebrating their daughter’s HS graduation.
It sounded like they had a great time that night. I couldn’t help but smile.
Looks like they finally won the Mexican American war- 177 years after it started.
You thought that was clever?
Are these people that are being counted in the census…all legal citizens or are they counting illegals too? I didn’t see it in the article which makes me conclude…that was on purpose. The next subject was “voting”. Illegals are not allowed to vote. Is Texas going to change that? If so, I do not comprende.
democrats love when a plan comes together
Yea democrats love socially conservative voters who are increasingly voting gop.
I believe the dems completely misread the room.
And took it for granted.
Remember the issue in the last census? The courts wouldn’t even allow the government to ask of someone was a citizen or not.
I am getting mixed signals on this thread is this a good thing for so called conservatives or a bad thing?
I’m a liberal.
The folks you caucus with don’t seem enthused, let’s see where this thread leads.
What Would Tucker Say?
“Numbers alone do not tell the whole story,” said Roberto Tellez, the state director for the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the country’s oldest Hispanic civil rights organization, which started in Texas.
“While it is inevitable that Hispanics would become the numeric majority in Texas, until we have fair and equal access to the reins of power through the ballot box, we cannot achieve our full potential. LULAC continues to strive for that day which will and must come,” Tellez said.
Si se puede! Yes we can!
As a second generation Mexican immigrant I am proud of this moment the work will continue.
You did not actually counter what i said.
You called it a narrative
And then you actually agreed! - “many of them slowly wise up” = increasingly voting gop
And then said you tried
Holy canoli
Hispanics at least socially are a natural GOP fit