Krogers Close Stores Over Superhero Pay

Oh, so now it’s “super profitable”. :roll_eyes:

Way to go! Keep the goalposts moving!!

Hint: It’s not the government’s job to pick winners.

And THAT’s why the statement is inane. And actually downright dangerous.

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Raising wages doesn’t force stores to close.

Yet another rightie myth.

They closed because it was a borderline store.


Damn. You’re on a winning roll for idiotic statements!


And that is exactly the problem. Big Government one-size-fits-all.

The borderline stores were barely surviving, but they were surviving. Now they aren’t. That’s what Big Government gets you. :roll_eyes:


I firmly believe in the dignity of all labor, but that is just ridiculous.

It’s a job. People show up because they want to be paid.

They should have called it “Hero of Socialist Labor” since they want to emulate the Soviet State so much. Might as well take their slogans too.

Yes!!! If you don’t take a stand against the woke bullies, they will own you!

Who told you that? Link? A borderline store becomes unviable if the pay is greater than the revenue.

I mean they need it when they get covid and can’t afford their hospital bills.

Comn everyone knows it.

From the article.

“The mandate will add an additional $20 million in operating costs over the next 120 days, making it financially unsustainable to continue operating underperforming locations,“


Idiot bureaucrats probably should stay out of other people’s businesses…


Right out of Atlas Shrugs…the Kick them when they are Down Act


California positive and death rates are dropping:

The bulk of hospitalized patients are elderly—probably not working at Krogers. The majority of COVID 19 patients recover at home, with some positive patients not knowing they have it except for test results.

So they need a raise to be hospitalized with COVID 19, but not with other diseases or injuries? That makes no sense.

We’re all superheroes just for donning a mask and showing up for work. When someone does something that really was out of the ordinary heroic, no one will notice.