Kooky Cortez.. Loves govt force, Not liberty

Dancing actually WAS outlawed in Elmore City, OK…which is what inspired the Footloose screenplay in the first place.

And there were bans on dancing of various types in some towns in the United States as recently as last year.

Oh, great. Now we’re both-sidering Star Wars. :slight_smile:

(The film did do that, by the way.)

I mean, I get why people, especially older people, don’t realize how virulent it really is. If I hadn’t gone looking for populist film criticism and didn’t have a Gen Z girlfriend to explain how this all works I’d have a hard time believing they weren’t a bunch of powerless wank stains instead of the lunatic assynetric movement multiple multi billion dollar industries are running in terror from.

I’ve never been able to understand the Star Wars phenomenon. I only saw the original and it was just cowboys and Indians in space.

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Its a fun little space fantasy adventure with space swords. Whats not too like?

It was dumb.

I still ,<3 you though

Question then becomes how to fix it without going full on 1984 or brave New world

No it’s just dumb…

That is correct. She gets extra special sauce because she’s a liberal, a woman, has a funny name.

Is the the cons replacement for Hillary and the insatiable need for a boogeymen?

This is a freshman congresswoman and the right is OBSESSED! :joy:

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They never research anything. It shows.

AOC is cool.

AOC loves govt force, yet it’s Donald who wants to forcibly take land from private citizens to build his wall.

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They probably should be. The woman is a super charismatic, popular young minority who won a congressional primary in a big city over an old white guy.

Hey, I remember about 14 years ago that we had one of those get real popular real quick. :smile:

Weren’t tea party nutjobs totally against emminent domain back in the day?

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Lol :joy:

If you exclude their brutality and sociopathic tendencies the Sith point of view actually makes more sense taken into reality. Their description of human nature and what drives people is far more accurate than that of the Jedi.

The Jedi are absolutists to the point of insanity. Which is why when Obi-Wan chastised Anakin for “dealing in absolutes” in Revenge of the Sith I was absolutely flabbergasted. The Jedi are hypocrites and moral crusaders of the worst order.


She’s a breath of fresh air. Remember when that was a good thing? You betcha.