Kooky Cortez.. Loves govt force, Not liberty

It’s not a detour.

It’s how the CEC is choosing to handle her.

I love how the CEC has been all “trump’s like the new punk rock” and then are tryin to be all scandalized that she danced adorably and beto was in a band.

Just bros having a locker room talk.


Ive asked several questions of you that youve evaded.

Just sayin’…

Scandalized by a college aged woman dancing well, but not scandalized by a 72 year old man talking like he has serious head trauma.


Where’s that poster who is always complaining about the maltreatment of republican women?

Check out Ocasio-Cortez on left wing media using google. She is the darling of the left media. Don’t blame conservatives for noticing that.

Literally every story I hear about her is the cause of some con talking ■■■■ about her…

Exhibit A - This thread

Duh. This is not how marginal tax rates work.

This is the problem with Republican Media.

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Republican Media driven bs.

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I know. Just curious about her cutoffs for those rates. Let me guess- they’ll be just above what she makes?

someone at the NRA once joked about the staff of Media Matters dying in a mass shooting because they are a bunch of liberals.

Then why the constant outrage about her not wanting to give up 70% of her $170,000. Since that’s not how it works.

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Also I like how they talk like having sex with them is a gift from god, sorry but your 30 second of spazzing isn’t impressing anyone.

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She just wants everyone else to give up more of their money.

What are you even talking about?

How much in taxes would she herself pay under her proposed plan? Or is she just wishful thinking about how much of other people’s money she can spend?

While driving, sometimes I turn to talk radio. Every time I turn on one certain person, there’s ALWAYS something to do with Cortez. Is this person sweet on her? Asking for a friend.

What is her proposed plan? You don’t seem to know.

Maybe I’m thinking of what the supposed 90% tax rates in the 1950s looked like. I wouldn’t levy 70% on any income less than $1,000,000 for sure.