Killing diversity with diversity

Are you female? Have you ever been in a men’s restroom? Do you sit to pee?

Life is like a box of PNG. You never know what you’re gonna get.


Geez… men can get pregnant. That’s not what I said, I said men can get pregnant. Duh!


People who think “men” can give birth have obviously never been, nor ever met an actual man in their life. :rofl:


Actually for those who say that men can give birth, for them the term “man” is utterly meaningless through a bastardization of language, particularly of the terms man, woman, and gender. A man, which is an adult male, cannot get pregnant.,

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Did you not hear a Supreme Court nominee being unable to define a woman?


It isn’t just the sexes they are killing with their “diversity”.
The attack is on every aspect of our identity and individuality.

By blurring the line between biological males and females, they are reducing us down to one unisex sex. Mind you, this doesn’t have to be the actual genetic reality, because it never can be. The same result is achieved when everyone has been conditioned or coerced through threat to pretend we are all the same.

At the same time they are stripping us of biological terms and realities that make our biological differences obvious and undeniable. Mom and dad, mother and father have been deemed offensive and non-inclusive. After all, we mustn’t make orphans feel left out or hurt their feelings when other students talk about their moms and dads. In some California (what a shock) school systems, mom and dad are no longer acceptable terms. Thankfully, Libs have provided us a less offensive term “birthing person” and for rebellious students who feel the need to differentiate between parental sex, “sperm donor” is also an acceptable way to refer to the male part of the reproductive process in the care unit.

Bill and Suzy are now reduced to the unisex birthing person and perhaps sperm donor. Goodbye to our individuality…

One more step towards the homogenous diversity agenda…


What the left redefines as gender is actually just dissociation between one’s biological self and reality.


Actually they do. I’m surprised at you.


That makes sense to you?

Let’s ask Budweiser, target and Disney how Wokeness and Dei have worked out for them. If your company is proudly DEI and still doing well it’s either because your company isn’t a large company that has millions of customers across the country or people who work for your company know if they protest they will lose their jobs. I guess your company could be a small company filled with 100% Libs who don’t have any objections to DEI policies, but I don’t think that likely…


I’m not.

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Women use urinals?


Sure. All of them do. :roll_eyes:

See? You can get this at Wal Mart. Comes in pink. And even in cammo color in case you’re out with the guys deer hunting… or something.

Is a urinal a toilet?

Not sure what men’s restroom you frequent but where I go there usually are toilets and urinals. A female can come into a men’s restroom and pee in a toilet. That toilet, I assume, is no different than the toilet in the woman’s bathroom.

Societally, yes. It’s not as if I’m checking genitals to confirm their biological category. You?

No…anymore stupid question?

While you’re checking to see if women can use men’s urinals, you might want to,check on if there are any biological differences that might relate to question.

We have a guy where I work pretending to be a woman and I can assure you it is not necessary to check genitals to realize his sex.

The level of pretense you guys go to is really amazing. A guy puts on a dress and lipstick and all of a sudden Libs confuse them with Heidi Klum…