One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

Nice smear. I hope those who are calling him a rapist without any evidence never, ever complain about Trump supporters again.

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For purely partisan reasons. And it’s appalling.

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lol you saying something is partisan and appalling

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Stop getting so torqued about what random people say on the internet.

I dont get your drift? Whats the parallel?

No kidding.

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He wants someone dragged through the mud for purely partisan reasons. And yeah, that is appalling

It’s bizarre.

I admire your compassion for Dr. Ford.

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She is usually quite clear on matters of gender fairness in particular.

again coming from you thats hilarious. Fairly sure he doesnt want that. What he wants is to watch the GOP push this through and ignore the calls to punt brett because they dont care. It will work wonderfully at the polls…

Again Victim Shaming. Get her up there. Embarrass her. Tell her its her fault. What she remembers isnt real. Look at that dress your wearing. You were looking for a good time…you were drinking at 15…blah blah blah

Well we shall see. Somehow I don’t see many Americans who aren’t partisan left wing hacks would agree with the way this circus is going on.

Confirmation or no confirmation this aint going away for Kav. And the GOP can be proud they got their guy in despite the muddy slippery ugly despicable undeserving road they traveled. They get their Monster.

if that was the case then your boys poll numbers would be higher. He was a bad pick with a lot of baggage. He is an elite in every sense of the term and a liar. Perfect for the GOP.

What you see and dont see is irrelevant

maybe…thier goal is roe so they dont really care. the ends justify the means for them. So a little attempt of rape is nothing to them

Lets not forget adulterer, welcher, shoddy businessman and no loyalty to Crew or Country. But he made for Great TV. Always has!

Then she pulled it down from her facebook page, and there were inconsistencies between her letter and what the alleged victim said.

Gosh, I wonder why his poll numbers aren’t better?

Could it be the relentless negative media coverage, attacking him even over coaching and taking part in his gir’s basketball games?

Or absolute smears and lies about him, going back before we ever heard of Dr Ford?

No, couldn’t possibly be that.

And besides that, in this hyper partisan age, NO SCOTUS nominee is ever going to poll very high from this point forward. Ds will approve of anyone a D President picks, and likewise for Rs.

So the polling of a SCOTUS nominee is largely irrelevant.

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I’m gonna go with she pulled it down because of death threats…