Kavanaugh - Again Unbelievable

Nadler just wants the fame of impeaching Trump. He doesn’t want to give up his moment in the sun. Before Trump, most people never heard of or cared about Jerry. He’s been in Congress forever and his main focus has been trying to remind people who he is. What the waddling cretin really needs is a body.

I thought trump related on a more personal level with good ole Kav. He surrounds himself with people with baggage to feel more comfortable about his own past I think.

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this place lost its mind around nov 2016


They are going to view it with a dumbfounded look on their face as to who either of those people is


A promised perp walk. Now where have we heard this.

Well no but that’s funny

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Nadler and Hank “Tip over Guam” Johnson are one guy?


If a self promoter comes along, like Don King or Donald Trump, and promises a whole bunch of people around him that he can make them millions they’re probably gonna let him do what he wants. I think that’s what we’re seeing with Republicans.

That and they think that Supreme Court Justices for 10 or 30 years will allow them to make the US the way they want from their graves.

With Kavanaugh, voter I’Ds are guaranteed by 2020 and Nadler knows it.

Actually, our socialist/communist leaders are intentionally trying to create anarchy and sedition!


You know an un-American political operative is talking when that person refers to “anti-immigrant rhetoric”, rather than anti-illegal immigration, which is really what is objected to.

Hey look, a response that isnt “butwhatabout.” We’re making progress!

No John, they are intentionally trying to create an authoritarian oligarchy which they control. Both parties.

stark denial helps prove it.

not just here though, but all over the country

You are missing the necessary first step which is, creating anarchy and sedition which will lead to their desired goal.


Our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution.

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Don’t know what good it will do, but his record during the Bush administration should have always been available and wasn’t during confirmation. Only 5% of his records were given during his tenure, which is unacceptable and wouldn’t be tolerated had it been a Democratic nominee for SCOTUS.

Nadler is head of the Judiciary Committee, seems to me if he wants to examine the documents previously unavailable for purposes of oversight he should be granted them. They were previously unavailable ostensibly because they needed to vet them and it wasn’t done in time for the confirmation. Well, they have now had the time to vet them and Nadler wants them.


This place has never changed. The only thing has changed is the crowd with grievances.


I think the discourse has coarsened.

In the sense there are not as many policy and political theory threads. yeah i def agree

The discourse coarsened during the Obama years. You just didn’t care about that.

Moolania, anyone?


It’s almost like there weren’t ethics complaints against Kavenaugh that got dismissed because he became a Supreme Court Justice or nothing.