Kamala Harris: I'm Suddenly A Gun Owner Despite My Previous Assaults On The Second Amendment

No one is stopping me from going to buy a shotgun if i wanted one today

Is anybody stopping you from carrying the gun you can buy today for self-defense?

Nope i can buy a gun for self defense no problem

Yes, they do. “They” want them locked up in country clubs for skeet shooting at most. “They” are lying when they say anything else.

I don’t remember bothering you.

The people you vote for bother the hell out of me.

Yeah, those dead kids are just unfortunate collateral damage, right?


Suck it up snowflake. It’s no different then the people you vote for bothering the hell out of me.

No, they are the victims of a psychopathic murderer who killed his own mother to get the guns.

My mother is still living.

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What are they taking from you?

No, it’s not wrong. That’s what they call supporting the 2nd Amendment. A European model. It’s been said on this very forum.

Taxation without representation.

And no one has taken anything from you.

No one is taking your guns away.

I didn’t vote for them.

Yes they have. And you know it.

  • National Firearms Act (“NFA”) (1934)
  • Federal Firearms Act of 1938
  • Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968
  • Gun Control Act of 1968** ( GCA or GCA68 )
  • Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988
  • Gun-Free School Zones Act ( GFSZA )
  • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
  • Federal Assault Weapons Ban
  • Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act
  • Nine times at the Centgov level alone.

Do you still have your guns?

You must not vote then, because we both know you aren’t voting for liberals.

And thus another gun thread dies the same way they all do.

Hillary wanted to seriously consider an Australian-style “buyback” program. That’s not wanting to take them away, from a presidential candidate?