Justice Department Takes Aim at Judge Cannon

Performative disinterest.

Now THAT is just sad

Isn’t it weird how libs worship the government nowadays while the right demands accountability? :thinking:


Can you have a word with Chief Justice Roberts and have him do that…at least…once in a while?

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Ridiculously absurd, naive and ludicrous comparison.

Carry on.

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Retired Navy Chief that violates the law in regards to post career handling, retention and refusal to return classified documents. Investigation, Seizure (via a legal search warrant), and possible prosecution.

Retire Chief that violates the law in regards to post career handling, retention and refusal to return classified documents. Totally different.
The very definition of a two tier justice system.


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Oh come on Chief, you didn’t possess the unilateral power to declassify those documents. The burden to prove those documents weren’t declassified still falls on the DOJ. I’m not real happy with the situation but I don’t trust Garland’s motivations as far as I can throw him.


Please continue to make even more stupid arguments.

It’s hilarious.

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The DOJ has no burden to prove classified documents remains classified.


Because the FPOTUS has not made any claim in court that he actually declassified them prior to noon on January 20, 2021.

When he does, then the DOJ will be able to provide evidence that the FPOTUS DIDN’T declassify them based on his own words and deeds. For example, if the documents were declassified prior to noon on January 20, 2021. Then there would have been no classified documents to surrender in June per the Grand Jury subpoena. But the FPOTUS didn’t challenge the subpoena on any grounds and did return classified documents. Even packaging them in a manner consistent with handling classified documents (a sealed redwall with classification markings).


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And as s second thought to just point out…

See this is what people that don’t understand “classified” shows. Documents are not “declassified” it is the information in the document that is declassified.

For example lets say that there are 6 copies of a specific document containing specific classified information. One located in the White House, 5 located amongst various agencies which also need the document. In addition there are subordinate documents that contain (either in part of in whole some of the same classified information).

Under a normal process when the information contained in a highly classified documents is declassified (or downgraded) that impacts all copies of the document (it’s information, and subordinate documents containing the same information in whole or portions of a subordinate document).

So If the FPOTUS “declassified” a document, he is really declassifying the information in that document. If the FPOTUS, while acting as POTUS, “declassified” the information without telling anyone (either directly or in writing) for that specific document, you end up with:

  • One copy of the information located at the White House being “declassified”, and
    Five copies of the information located at the responsible agencies still being classified as the responsible agencies will not know the information was declassified because they FPOTUS (while POTUS) just mentally declassified the information in his head.

  • The result is someone could be prosecuted for improper handling of classified material for actions related to the 5 responsible agency documents, but not for improper handling of the exact same document if the source of the document was the White House. But they contain the same information. By this we are talking about the information in the document and subordinate information which sourced the document which can have even wider reaching impacts.

The national security infrastructure cannot function in a reasonable way if the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time simply because the POTUS chooses not to tell anyone.

Kind of a Schrodinger’s Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn’t know just be looking at the document.


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While this is almost correct, you’re getting way ahead of yourself here.

Donald Trump has not yet been charged with any crimes, in regard to these documents. If the DoJ charges him, they will have the burden of proving that the documents contain “information relating to national defense.”

They will not have to prove that Trump didn’t declassify them. Trump may choose to argue that he did at some point secretly declassify them as a defense - but that’s a defense, not a get out of jail free card.

Whether the documents contain “information relating to national defense” is a question of fact, to be determined by a jury.

Honestly…do you believe you’re currently seeing a two-tier justice system right now in our country?

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Now…can the DoJ be prosecuted for the weaponization of our government?


Convicted criminals hunter Biden and dirtbag senator menedez says hello

Document hoarder and former GOP presidential candidate mike pence also says hello

the unintended pun behind the headline is pointed

The real dirt bags would be the entire Biden clan.