Just when you think you've heard it all, Chicago Elementary Principle invites cop hater

I’m almost speechless.

She invited this file animal to speak at an elementary school for career day.

Fortunately she was quickly forced to resign.

Wrong link.

Here’s a segment on it from Carlson’s show.

Absolutely unbelievable, nice to see the parents standing up to her.

Amazing… .

Well, that was stupid.

There are 340 million people on this country.

Statistically speaking, it would be an extremely rare to NOT have someone somewhere do something really stupid.

So I guess living in a state of perpetual outrage is actually quite easy to do, since the odds are extremely high you’ll be able to find something about which to be outraged.

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A much more comprehensive article regarding what happened there in that school that led to the principal resigning. It is not tainted with the usual FOX NEWS bias, it is a long read, but I feel anyone who really has an interest in this topic beyond FOX NEWS sensationalism will benefit from the time invested in the reading.

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You are welcome!

Great article, Lou.

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Thanks, I felt it was much better than the OP linked piece.

Stop insulting the animals!

Call him a turd or whatever you must, but not animal!

A well rounded education will be anything but “neutral”.

So much violence in leftist run cities and countries…

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Leftist run cities here are very safe, nonviolent, pleasant places to live.

Please name some rightist run countries that you admire.

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Only for those in the bubble…

So much poverty in right-run states.

In such a hurry to race-bait, couldn’t even post the right link. And when you did finally post the correct link, its from Fox News. Lol. You are quite the partisan.

So the teacher was forced to resign? What are we supposed to be outraged about? Tucker Carlson found an idiot? LOL

And it’s “principal.”

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