JORDAN SCHOOLS DEMS: ‘The Elected President Sets the Policy for the Un-Elected Bureaucrats’

Originally published at: JORDAN SCHOOLS DEMS: ‘The Elected President Sets the Policy for the Un-Elected Bureaucrats’ | Sean Hannity

Rep. Jim Jordan schooled Congressional Democrats on how the US government is meant to operate Thursday; informing them that “elected individuals” set the policy and “unelected bureaucrats” are supposed to follow instructions.

“I just wanted to respond to the comments from the Gentlelady from Texas. She said, ‘The President made up his own policy.’ That’s how it works in our country. You get your name on a ballot, you run for office, on Election Day the American people decide who they want making the policy,” said Jordan.

“That’s how it works in this country. It’s not the un-elected people telling the elected individual how we do things, because they’re not directly accountable to the people. That’s what makes our system the best, the greatest,” he added.

The elected President sets the policy for the unelected bureaucrats.

Not the other way around.

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) December 12, 2019

Watch Rep. Jordan’s comments above.