Jeff Sessions' church accuses him of child abuse, discrimination and more for new border policies

Finally, the truth. This was never about enforcing the law, and demanding legislation is the only means to change this law. The separation of these children from their parents is about using them and their plight as a bargaining chip. That is truly, truly sick. I genuinely hope you are not a parent.

So, dems are convinced food and shelter and medical attention at a govt facility is child abuse worse than being forced to leave your home walk to America, but won’t stop it with a few billion for the wall… Go cry your fake news tears in the bathroom. You don’t really care about the children.

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Get real…

Gotta link champ?

Your words on display for everyone here to see. Own them. You will gleefully use the horrific separation of these children as pawns to try to force the American taxpayers to spend tens of billions of dollars on some idiotic Great Wall of Mexico, so it will make you feeeeeeeeeel better. I rarely say this about people, but this is genuinely evil.

They’re in private business care.

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The other part of this is that most Republicans support the current policy and its effects. Why would the GOP change it?

LMAO… nice drama school. KId are fine in the centers. Dems could care less what happens to them, or where they go, if they were released. Just pure politics. I rarely say this about people, but this is genuinely evil, dems exploitation of these children for politics.

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True, although the public outcry is likely going to force their hand here. I’d have to assume, judging by Cruz’ about face on this issue, that they have some pretty devastating internal polling that is scaring the living daylights out of them over this issue.

This is an incredible degree of delusion your exhibiting here.

which is better, or they’d be under some govt worker making the facilities like a Chicago school.

Obama encourage thousands of kids to leave their parent and be exploited by human trafficers. Dems loved it… So, get off the high horse. And propose a fix. With a wall!

You know you admitted that Trump is only doing this to get money for a wall.

You know that, right?


Then the R’s need to put up a bill that can get 10 D’s to sign onto it. That should be simple enough for their Leader to figure out.

I said the same yesterday. Whatever internal polling data they are getting, it has freaked them the hell out and they running full steam the other way now.

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Projecting again… At least you know yourself…

What a ■■■■■■■ troll you are. Lol!

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I just reply most of the time. You don’t have to respond… Now, call your congress person and have a law proposed. That’s the way it’s suppose to work.

This will help Trump. Just shows who wants open borders an who doesn’t…