James Webb Space Telescope



I don’t get it…

I just opened this thread for the first time and skipped to the bottom.

Is this the first mention of the telescope’s homophobia in the thread?

Neither do I. Apparently back when he was head of NASA in early to mid 60…maybe late 60’s? well some supervisor well under him fired a homosexual. I highly doubt Webb had any idea since it was why down the telephone pole.

Webb had bigger fish to fry…like getting to moon before Russkies did.


Also keep in mind…just like any other space program you have people thinking money should be spent spent somewhere else…like welfare etc, or supplying Ukrainians with advanced weapons.

Well I have my priorities straight. :wink:

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Random lefty pro gay website is now “all libs”.

Sorry does Jame Webb telescope offends you…or being called a lib?

A random pro gay website makes a joke and it represents the entire left.

I know the game.

Libs don’t joke…specially a gay lib.

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Oh… then you don’t know gay people that well.

Never seen you joke. :wink:

I joke all the time.

Do you want to talk about it? It can be hard.

Good one! :+1:



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No this isn’t a joke.

@conan is correct…this is serious.

Not some “random website” nor a joke.

There is a small but significant contingent of far lefties who are upset the telescope is named after James Webb because while he headed NASA, he allowed employees to be interrogated as to whether they were gay or not.

Calling it a “homophobic telescope” is a joke.

Having a broader conversation about who we honor is not.

So far the objections to James Webb have been rebuffed.

No it’s not.

The people calling it a homophobic telescope are genuinely angry that it was named after James Webb.

Read up on it.

Sorry meant to add…the broader conversation about who we honor should follow the simple principle that nobody is perfect and go from there.

We shouldn’t run roughshod over all our ancestors and historical figures because they have a “blemish” we don’t like.

Everyone has “blemishes”.

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And I’m not sure how much knowledge if any Webb had about harassment/firings. He basically built NASA and played hug role in Apollo/moon program.

I’m sure whether someone is gay or not wasn’t very high priority.

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I know about it.

The phrase “homophobic telescope” is an obvious joke based on a real concern.

That concern started in the astronomical community.

That concern has pretty much been dismissed.

Left turn at Albuquerque.