Jacksonville Fl 2023 08 26

Not all manifesto’s are equal.


This is another case of the record check not flagging someone who had been identified as having a mental condition that should have disqualified him from legally buying a firearm. It’s big government’s failure that once again a mentally ill individual, with violent warning signs was left off the database for pre-purchase records checks.

Meanwhile back at the nations capitol a 2AM dispute between two 16 year old girls reaches a deadly climax.

Warning on the comments…those insightful nasty comments.

Surely white supremacists on a mass shooting rampage equal out to at least 0.01% of the violence black people perpetuate on themselves! :rofl:


I hope you have a chance to read the comments.


“Let’s go to McDonalds. Let’s see I got my purse, phone, switchblade, cigarettes, comb. Let’s go.”

I love it. Needs more memes though. :rofl:


Somewhere in her cranium had to be the realization that plunging a blade into her companion was not going to resolve the sauce dispute.




Only if the knife wielder is white…will it be publicized by the lib MSM.

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No mental enough to be denied access to a gun, though.

You want the FBI knowing your mental health?

National Instant Criminal Background Check System

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