It's Time To Play "NAME...THAT...REPUBLICAN" (Slavery and Civil War Edition)

I’ll answer your question with a question.

Like pelosi’s father??

Right in the title.

This is not difficult.

I’ll just have to assume no one is trying.

Sure, he was indeed misguided in dedicating a Sronewall Jackson statue. Now how about answering my question?

As I said. The Republicans weren’t a thing until the 1850’s and they formed basically as a coalition party to curb the expansion of slave states.

Within a decade of the party forming the country was at war.

So what is the point of the question?

Is there one?

Just kidding. pelosi’s father erecting statues of confederates was during another era.

Maybe the statues aren’t hurting anyone.

Maybe the history is just history.

Maybe this “issue” was conflated into the george floyd protests as an election year stunt.

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BLM and Antifa don’t care about the political alignment of the parties during the time of slavery and the civil war.


No, apparently there is not

Nope. Statues dedicated to racist losers are wrong no matter who is behind them


I don’t know what it is like to think that pointing out that Nancy Pelosi’s father did something we would all be mortified.

Checkmate Libs!!!

dimocrats honoring other dimocrats is deemed wrong by other like-minded voters??

Assemble the mob!!

The problem with the lefts idea of a southern strategy is that it assumes the right became racist and that’s why the southern voters switched, and discounts that with civil rights a done deal, the right now more closely reflected the other issues they liked.

It would be like if abortion was finally made illegal, and with that issue settled once and for all a bunch of women started voting republican because the women supported republican ideals that were ongoing, and the left claiming that the Rs were now the party of baby killing.

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Or maybe Americans are finally paying attention to the actual context surrounding the statues, what they really represent and the reasoning for them being there in the first place

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I knew you all didn’t care. I just like to bring it up because she’s your highest elected official and no one has ever asked her about it.

Wonder why??

Yep that’s why its primarily Democrats calling for their removal. Out of honor

School integration was a big deal. Some cities and counties in Virginia shut schools down rather than integrate them.

Then the public money was taken to provide “private” education for white kids but leave black kids with nothing.

These were Southern Democrats who did this.

The Southern Strategy was very real. The GOP shifted to the right AND played identity politics using welfare and urban blight as a tool to garner support.

I never voted for her.

Statues just standing there. Have been for decades. 99% of the protestor couldn’t tell you a thing about them (including party affiliation).

Assemble the mob!

Label everyone else “racist”.

It’s almost as if there’s an election happening this year.

That doesn’t disprove what I said. If anything it supports it.

Nah. It’s that people are starting to understand that these people should not be in a place of honor.

Like… why did Nathan Bedford Forrest ever have a statue to him?

What was that about?

What’s so hard to understand that’s it’s not a good idea to honor a bunch of losers who fought for a foreign country over the right to own human beings. They weren’t even good at it and got the ■■■■ beat out of them in short order.