It's finally happened!

Nope that’s socialism.

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Socialism helped make this country great.

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The Dems argue that wall are IMMORAL. If you are right, why are they using that word?

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Those things, using taxpayer money for the public good, are socialism.

You’re not arguing against socialism, you’re arguing degrees.

Actually Capitalism would be private roads with tolls making a profit for the owners, not having government police departmetns and individuals hiring private security for a profit for the owners of the company, hiring private fire departments for a profit for the owners of the company and hiring mercenaries instead of the government maintaining the military for the profit of the mercenary companies.



NuhUh…it was Al Gore!

How is it not? How do you decide which government services are socialism vs not socialism?

The only socialist part of Obamacare is the exchanges.The actual health insurance and health care are private and thus capitalist.

No, that was Capitalism.

This is why Democrats need their own separate dictionary.

Neither on its own made this country great. This country is great because of an amalgamation of systems and ideas.

For example capitalism alone would only make things great for those at the very top. It took government intervention, regulation, and workers uniting to improve working conditions for those in the middle and lower classes.

Why is the Democrat Politicians trying to make this a Socialist country then, and
why are their voters still voting for them knowing if what you said is true,
that solely just Socialism wouldn’t work in this country?

It would essentially treat healthcare as a public good/service just like we treat fire fighting

The means of production still remain in private hands in most industries in countries like the UK and Canada. The stock market is still not government owned. These are not socialist countries.

After WWII congress enacted the GI BILL which was wealth distribution at its largest.

They aren’t trying to make this a socialist country. They just want to add more social services to what has been and will continue to be a primarily capitalist mixed economy.

Our current dictionary is fine. It’s the right that has a tendency to make up their own definitions.

Okay, but the law treats arson as a crime, should it treat abuse of your health as a crime as well? Would taking physical risks, smoking, drinking, eating high-fat fast food, etc., be outlawed?

Have those things been outlawed in any of the countries that have already have socialized medicine for reasons of costs to the system?

Personally, where possible, I think these behaviors should be discourage via taxation that goes towards the healthcare system.

I don’t know. Ask Bomerfox. He is who said treat it like the public service of firefighting.

I suppose that makes sense … to a liberal. But if you tax it out of existence, then how will you fund your universal health care?

I wouldn’t be throwing too many stones here, since todays republican party is far from what Reagan loved. I mean, the republicans have gone to CRAZY TOWN.