It's finally happened!

Do you consider medicare socialism?

In my community, outside the City which has its own Fire Department, fire protection is provided by volunteer departments funded by the property owners in the various neighborhoods. Same with road maintenance. The only government involvement is that they collect the money from the property owners and pass it on to the departments. Property owners are somewhat reimbursed through lower insurance rates.

do the Mainstream Fake News Media know any “facts”?

I’m sure that all of the Democratic Politicians are going to have the
same doctors as the rest of us right?

I mean since they want Obamacare for everyone, they should practice
what they preach. Right?

You’re right. The postal service is not socialism.

Neither is national single-payer healthcare.


Well, we know our current firefighting system isn’t capitalist since I gave you an example of what the capitalist system would look like. So what is our current firefighting system?

That’s pretty interesting. I wonder how they worked out?

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Than you better make sure they also have the same tax deduction as 1936 to 1980 because they never had to really pay 70%.
The one thing people seem to forget is that if you raise the tax’s on the middle class they have no where to go so they pay the tax’s. If you raise the tax’s to a point where the rich save more money by moving than they will go to where ever they can get a better deal.

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No? Im saying providing healthcare would be treated as a public service

They can spend less because they pay their doctors crap and don’t have to pay the costs for pharmaceutical liability.

Wait times are far longer especially for serious things like hip and knee replacements or transplants.

Their populations are healthier overall not because of the crappy health care they get but because they lead healthier lifestyles than we do for the most part.

Congrats on the apples to anvils equation though.

Right. Now what was their effective rate?

Of course it is. It replaces all privately owned means of providing healthcare with a singe source, government owned and/or regulated means of providing healthcare.

Well, in most communities, it is a public service that the people of a community have decided they want their local government to operate. But in other communities it varies (an example of which I described in my community earlier.)

Then my original question stands … will eating poorly, taking physical risks, or engaging in unhealthy activity like smoking, drinking and taking intoxicating drugs be criminalized like arson is with regard to firefighting services? Why should my taxes go to pay for your heath care if you light your house on fire (metaphorically)?

I served for 4 years in the Coast Guard in the 1970’s, when it was part of the DOT. It was much like a fire department, primarily tasked with boating safety and search and rescue. Federal government “owned” and operated, and quite efficiently, I think.

All of this BS about single-payer healthcare turning the U.S. into Venezuela is just that. We spend about 3.5 trillion dollars a year on healthcare. That’s a fact. Medicare has lower administrative costs than private insurance. That’s also a fact. The comfortable majority of citizens in Canada and Great Britain are OK with their national healthcare systems. That’s a fact if you accept polling data.

We’ve had 46 years to get this right. Premiums keep rising, MD’s are barely part of the UMC anymore, and tens of millions of Americans can’t afford health insurance. But I worked on plenty of new Kaiser hospitals and high-rise offices owned by insurance companies in 25 years of contracting, and they’re all still healthy businesses. If the federal government can come up with a single payer system that is efficient and financially stable, I’ll support it.

The USPS doesn’t have a state controlled monopoly on delivering mail or packages.

Socialized medicine would create exactly that, a monopoly for gov’t controlled and administered healthcare.

The former isn’t remotely close to “socialism” the latter absolutely is.

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Medicare has lower administrative costs because the checks are so much bigger.

80% of an average person’s lifetime healthcare expenditures will occur in the last ten years of their life.

If you want single payer there are numerous countries that offer it. Pick one.

Apart from the armed forces, which federal government agencies do you find to be acceptably non-socialistic?

Pretty much everything outside of the welfare state.

Sort of like public education. We keep pumping taxpayer money at ever increasing rates into our schools, yet the student performance on the world stage keeps slipping. Go figure.