It's finally happened!

See, your worries are unfounded.

You couldn’t fund a national health system on sin taxes alone. There would obviously be other sources of money.

And yet Democratic Politicians want this Country to be Socialist?

There is no evidence to suggest that socialized medicine would be more efficient, cost effective, or that it would not lower the standard of care we enjoy today.

Gov’t does not equal socialism.

There are basic functions of gov’t as our constitutions dictate, health care is not one of them and eliminating private insurance and private pay in favor of socialized medicine certainly isn’t among them.

Yeah, as long as someone has any money, you can tax it too.

“Tax the rich; feed the poor; ‘til there are no rich no more.”

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Except for literally every other country who has single paper that pays less, covers more, and has better health outcomes.

Facts are difficult.

The argument is sound. Cons scream and rail against socialism as they scream how they love socialist aspects of our society like police or firefighters.

Wouldnt have to be. I kinda despise those types of laws personally.

The point is that our country is full of socialist aspects. It’s foolish to decry socialism while defending having police departments.

You guys want no socialism? Then let people individually pay for fire protection. Let them individually pay for police protection. I mean it’s an a personal choice - right?

The Internet was created by individuals employed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA) – so it most definitely was developed as a government project, not something that emerged from the market or from one individual. In the early seventies when it was developed it was called the DARPANET.

Subsequently, Congressional legislation sponsored by Senator Al Gore among others, declassified enough of the DARPANET technology to enable the public INTERNET to emerge.

When Al Gore pointed out during his Presidential run that this demonstrated the positive impact of government, he was ridiculed by Conservatives with the notion that Gore was claiming to have “invented” the Internet, that he was the “father” of the Internet.

This was an unfortunate bit of character assassination. But there was no question the Internet started out as a government project.

No, a true capitalist fire department would be one that is a private company. There could be multiple ones servicing a given area. People would choose which (if any) of the private companies they would pay to provide potential fire-fighting service - essentially insurance.

Of course, this would be incredibly inefficient as multiple companies might exist with overlapping territories. Also it would be unsafe for communities as homeowners who decide not to carry the firefighting insurance would endanger neighbors if their house caught fire.

So a govt run firefighting system is what we have. It isn’t a capitalist system, it is a socialist system. Because in this instance, it is what works best.

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Well, except the evidence that countries that have some form of socialized medicine pay far less than we do (including taxes that go to healthcare).

“No evidence” indeed. LOL

So apparently, you are walking back on “it would essentially treat healthcare as a public good/service just like we treat fire fighting.”

Government operated fire departments have nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is a political and economic system wherein the means of production, distribution, and exchange is owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Government operation of the fire department, police, and public works such road maintenance have virtually nothing to do with that. Those services may facilitate economic activity in the community, but the government does not own the means.

Just because you can’t or won’t understand something does not negate its existence.

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From 1936 to 1980 the top marginal tax rate was over 70%, often above 80% for a number of those years, and yet through out that whole span we never had a moment where there were not an rich upper class and millionaires.

Clearly the idea that aggressive and progressive tax rates will lead to no rich people is hyperbole.

Socialism is in our Constitution even with the creation of the US Postal service.

Fun fact: Many of the early fire fighting services were put together by insurance companies.

That’s because they didn’t tax them enough. :wink:

That’s not socialism either.